Vis improving , plenty of fish

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Posts: 131
Joined: January 21st, 2002, 8:00 pm

Vis improving , plenty of fish

Post by boomhauer »

Hit DI one last time before the season flips, vis average, but lots of nice gags and medium sized hogs. Guess the triggers know they are closed since they follwed me around like knats nipping at my fish. Still having about one taxman encounter per trip.
Lots more blue angels in close this year than usual and saw my first butterfly fish in close. Its the one with the bright yellow and white and has a black dot on his fin.... beautiful.

Yeaterday, ran out of mashes just into fed waters to scout. Picked up a nice king for the smoker while looking around. Vis is nearly TTB in 35. Hit one hole and got some great go pro vid of a swarm of BIG grouper showing out for the camera!
Looks like it will be a good summer of diving. Not many hogs out that way though.
Posts: 316
Joined: February 12th, 2002, 8:00 pm

Re: Vis improving , plenty of fish

Post by DWilliams »

Thanks for the info out of mashes. Gonna try it this weekend.
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