Upper Aucilla adventures

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Re: Upper Aucilla adventures

Post by BloodyChamp »



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Re: Upper Aucilla adventures

Post by kenfly »

Wow, looks like a cool spot, and your story is a great read , lots of adventure

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Re: Upper Aucilla adventures

Post by doomtrpr_z71 »

You've got me wanting to camp at the nwr and hike around now .
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Re: Upper Aucilla adventures

Post by BloodyChamp »

I want to get a boat in there! But that will never happen. I’ll have 10 boat to the Pinhook before I have 1 in there. I’d have to get it down the trail, probably without wheels because of the thick sand, then get it through the cypress knees then through the trees and logs lol! The good news is that it probably gets dry enough on the sides to fish well enough, and if it gets really low it wouldn’t mean the fish are icky because it’s running water unless I’m just plain wrong on that part. So it’s on the list of places to revisit when the water sinks down.
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Re: Upper Aucilla adventures

Post by BloodyChamp »

What a day my first adventure of the year was. Those pics are actually mediocre by my standards. I took better videos than pics yesterday and I couldn’t see how to upload videos on the hosting site I’ve been using. That was a wide, deep and blue spring run that is less than 15 minutes from my house. You couldn’t see the blue very good because I took pics in the shade, and there was a glare on that 1 pic I took in the sun so it looked kind of orange. Then that last pic if you look hard you can still see the spring run towards that top, meaning I was that far from the bank at that point. By then was thicker than the undisturbed woods down at 98 I tell you, after it was pretty smooth walking for a long time.

I’m going to keep what spring this was to myself but I think I’ve mentioned many times that I live in the upper Aucilla region. I had just assumed that this spring emptied in through the cypress knees like most of the others around here do so I never got around to trying it until now. I didn’t make it and will have to go back with the paddle boat. When I got back to the truck an old man was fishing off the bank and he said it was actually a big spring up there. I’d about figured that out just by the looks of the run but I can’t believe I’d never even heard of such. As far as I know there are no pictures of this spring anywhere and there is no name.

Now for the fish lol! That’s not a tiny Stumpknocker like you would normally find in that kind of place. Those fat boys were everywhere. Then on the way back I caught that Redbreast after noticing the huge bass that I then tried to catch. It took a minute to bait the hook and by the time I did the bass was out of sight. I threw out anyway and that Redbreast is what I pulled out. I don’t doubt there were others.

I wanted to go back today but the weather, which held off grrrrr, stopped me. Now I can’t go back until next week. The river itself is like...2 inches to high still. If it doesn’t rain it could be alot lower by next week, and the upper Aucilla is of course delicate. The fish could all haul butt to the river by the time I get back down there. Then if it rains 1 thimble full of water to much it could flood lol! We will just have to see. But anyway the adventures have returned and we’re going to have alot of fun.
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