Fuel injector service/recalibration
Moderators: bman, Chalk, Tom Keels
Re: Fuel injector service/recalibration
This is good info, rockyg and Salty Gator. I've always thought of top speed/full throttle as 6000 rpm for the Suzuki. When I hit that, it sometimes shows up as an over-rev on diagnostics. But a prop change seemed to take care of that. I need to try to hit it again. I think I could if I was running from the lightning storm in Callaway right now.
Re: Fuel injector service/recalibration
This is good info, rockyg and Salty Gator. Suzuki's specs say wide open throttle should be 5000-6000 rpm. When I hit 6,000, it sometimes showed up as an over-rev on diagnostics. But a prop change supposedly took care of that. It sounds like I need to try pushing it to 6000 again next time I'm out. Maybe there'll be a thunderstorm like the one over Callaway Bayou right now.