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Posted: January 14th, 2002, 9:11 am
by Team Outlaw
I was just wondering how you go to the Spring Warrior by land ? I have been to it many times by water and never really thought of going to it by land other than right this sec. Any help would be nice. Also Tom if u read this how come no matter when i log in it still shows me as a guest ?

Posted: January 14th, 2002, 4:40 pm
by dewyafish
Outlaw, You cant get there from here :grin:

Posted: January 14th, 2002, 5:10 pm
by wayne
IIRC, on these type of UBB driven boards, you need to have the setup under preferences to keep your username in a cookie or browser memory for 1 year for this to work.

Posted: January 14th, 2002, 8:26 pm
by RedMann
I've only been there by land a couple of times so I would need to get out the map to give exact directions but it can be done. I believe it's the first right after the Walmart in Perry (if you're heading east on Hwy. 27) I'll check the map when I get home and post. Or, you can ask at the bait and tackle shop there in Perry on Hwy. 27. Getting to the landing is only half the fun. The channel out is pretty tricky -- rocks and oyster bars. If you're nice to someone, they'll let you follow them out. Worked for me.

Posted: January 15th, 2002, 9:08 am
by Team Outlaw
Thanks Redman . I was just wondering were it might be and also if the trout stack up in it like they do the other rivers in the area. I have fishe around the mouth but never up river .

Posted: January 15th, 2002, 2:40 pm
by RedMann
I'm like you and have only fished around and out from the mouth -- I've never tried fishing in the river itself but there's not much river there as I recall. Might be worth a try but I would definitely do it on a high tide.