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Red Grouper Fishing Questions

Posted: December 29th, 2011, 9:10 am
by Scoop Sea
Since Red Groper seem to be just about the only game in town for our neck of the woods (as far as grouper go), I was wondering if anyone would kindly shed some tips on targeting them, i.e. structure verses rocks, squid-cut-bait,, depth ranges, this time of year, or if trolling is even an option.

I haven't had the boat out since this summer and I would love to take advantage of this beautiful winter weather we are having to try and get out on the water. If I catch some fish, that's even more of a bonus.

In advance, thanks.


Re: Red Grouper Fishing Questions

Posted: December 29th, 2011, 11:02 am
by EddieJoe

I fish out of Carrabelle these days, so my experience with RG may differ from your preferred spots depending on where you fish. Generally, RG are more prevalent on the lower profile, swiss cheese type of bottom, while gags prefer ledges and wrecks. However, I catch reds and gags at both locations, just the ratios are different. When the water is cooler, gags are in closer than reds, although my catches of all grouper are less when the water drops down in the low 60's, basically from now until early spring. Divers say they are there, but in any case I don't catch them as much at those times. And, unless I go 75+ at any time, reds are caught far less than gags, period, at least where I fish. Perhaps reds are doing far better than gags in the Gulf as a whole, but gags are much more likely to be in the range of the small boat guy like me.

As far as trolling, I might hook one red to 10 gags no matter when I go, so I wouldn't troll for reds, even less so now when it is cold. For right now (and I intend to try in early January), I will go 60+ offshore Carrabelle, and probably start in around 75' and see who is home. The best bait is live sand perch, which can be caught on squid and 2/0 - 3/0 long shank hooks in the sandy areas. If you catch sea bass you will need to move until you get pure sand to get the perch. Small grunts also work pretty well. Now, for dead baits, I like combo of LY or other cut frozen bait, plus squid. Depending on the spot, if you don't put down a big bait you will only catch grunts or sea bass. Mostly you have those biting anyway, but when I catch a couple of grunts I fillet them and put down a whole fillet or a butterfly grunt, which can catch the bigger red grouper.

Unfortunately, all of the above is more likely than not to result in a lot of gag hits, but there is nothing to be done about that. I do find that using a circle hook, as one is supposed to do, results in good lip hook ups and rarely any damage to the fish, so they go back pretty darn frisky. I usually don't even bring them into the boat, using a hookout on them at the surface without handling. I suppose they will probably be caught by commercial guys but what can we do?

Re: Red Grouper Fishing Questions

Posted: December 29th, 2011, 4:28 pm
by CW2008
Although not my question, I appreciate the info. I usually fish and dive off PCB, and over there I have noticed while diving that I will see gags more on wrecks, and reds on natural hard bottom - which is usually low profile. I too am wanting to be able to catch them on hook and line, but I can't escape the red snapper.

Re: Red Grouper Fishing Questions

Posted: December 30th, 2011, 1:09 am
by qoutrage
Good commentary E J. You are right on with it. :D
'Had the opportunity to fish with some friends out of Apalach, today. We started fishing at 95' and roamed around to a little over 200'. We used sibikis and f/bs over random bait balls and caught 3 or 5 squirrel fish, and pins, per drop til we got about 30. It took about 15 mintues. Good bite over various bottoms ..evading ARS and in search of RG. Got into AJs twice, Kept 4 in the 30lb range.. and two or three 'barely legal' RG...put back several very large ARS and a 26" or so, Gag. Also found a very nice scamp in cooler, that I didn't see caught. We had 4 lines down most of the time and all were busy except to re rig after break offs, of which, we had several. The water was suppose to be near 'flat' with less than 5 kts of wind.. 'Was pretty good going out. The water was beautiful. ..2-3s coming in, though.. I think the furthest out we went was 52 miles. It was a fun and interesting day. Did I say tiring? I was whooped.. :-D
I went to a seminar on 'Red Grouper and it's habitat', at the Marine Lab a couple of years ago. Pretty much, what you said EJ, is what they said. Reds fan sand and silt out of holes in the bottom and generally hang in the same area. They improve the environment for other species in the process.. Gags move around more, and like structure. Culverts and/or rubble might be worth checking out...maybe some of the public reefs.
'Hope y'all have some good luck, whatever the case. :D