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Re: Regarding the Annual BBF Social and BBF in general

Posted: January 6th, 2012, 1:45 pm
by chugbug
This is one of those announcements that you thought you'd never see, like an unexpected death or something of that nature. I do understand that as family grows priorities shift and other things just naturally become more important/ require additional attention. I was not a big poster but have been around a while. Thanks for the great site and actually a good bit of entertainment as everyone bantered back and forth and JT claims every fishing hole in the gulf.

Thanks Tom!

Re: Regarding the Annual BBF Social and BBF in general

Posted: January 6th, 2012, 4:50 pm
by big bend gyrene
Tom, know you've said the decision isn't about money and KNOW you speak the truth (though I'm sure more money couldn't have hurt keeping things up a bit easier in the past).

As all have stated, change is a certainty in life and no doubt you're in a very different place in life than when you started the board. All that said, got to offer a HUGE THANKS for all you've done keeping things up. It's been a big part of my daily ritual since moving here in 2002 and I have no doubts it's helped me be a far better fisherman, scalloper, and boater though I think the biggest gain was the many friends I met through the board.

So kuddos to you for building an awesome board and a shout out of support to anyone who might want to take on keeping it up and running. Anybody does so, you can absolutely count on Pam and me stepping up to the plate with support dollars. :thumbup: :thumbup: :thumbup:

Re: Regarding the Annual BBF Social and BBF in general

Posted: January 6th, 2012, 7:20 pm
by Jumptrout51

Re: Regarding the Annual BBF Social and BBF in general

Posted: January 6th, 2012, 9:49 pm
by Flint River Pirate
Jumptrout51 wrote::smt010
That speaks volumes. :(

Re: Regarding the Annual BBF Social and BBF in general

Posted: January 6th, 2012, 11:38 pm
by kenfly
Thanks for everything Tom, you have done a great job over the years with the site, I have always looked to it for years and have started posted over the last year or so, it has been a great place to get great info and the people on here have been great as well, really hope someone can fill your shoes and keep this site alive.

Re: Regarding the Annual BBF Social and BBF in general

Posted: January 7th, 2012, 5:31 am
by tin can
Thanks for everything, Tom. :thumbup:

Re: Regarding the Annual BBF Social and BBF in general

Posted: January 7th, 2012, 10:07 am

Re: Regarding the Annual BBF Social and BBF in general

Posted: January 9th, 2012, 3:17 pm
by manley
Thank you for what you have contributed to my life over the last 10 years. Times change, obligations change, and priorities change. I wish that I could pick up the mantle and continue the great work that you have started. I cannot, but am assured that someone will. This is a wonderful group of guys, and you have much to be proud of. Thank you, from the bottom of my heart.

Re: Regarding the Annual BBF Social and BBF in general

Posted: January 9th, 2012, 4:41 pm
by big bend gyrene
Tom, any updates on the potential for someone taking over the helm? Even if it's just to share that no one has made a serious offer, thinking a general update may be helpful in the continued effort to find a path forward. :thumbup: :beer:

Re: Regarding the Annual BBF Social and BBF in general

Posted: January 9th, 2012, 10:55 pm
by Sea Fox
Tom, thanks for all the work you have put into this site. Its been a great tool as well as maintaining integrity among a bunch of sailors (self included). Best wishes. Thanks, Kenny. 8)

Re: Regarding the Annual BBF Social and BBF in general

Posted: January 10th, 2012, 5:27 am
by Cranfield
Tom, I will add my thanks to you for everything you have done for BBF and us followers. :thumbup:
It was quite a shock to stumble upon the announcement and I don't know how I missed it.

Hopefully a way to continue the Forum and fellowship will be found and I am sure there will be support from us all.

Re: Regarding the Annual BBF Social and BBF in general

Posted: January 10th, 2012, 11:31 am
by Bullet
Thanks, Tom, for the integrity you have put into this site. It has always been informative & entertaining.

I understand the reasons for the change & hope that a suitable facilitator/moderator can be identified and/or trained.

It would be a shame for BBFN not to continue or to become a political sounding board.

Thanks for all you have done.

Re: Regarding the Annual BBF Social and BBF in general

Posted: January 10th, 2012, 1:24 pm
by Rhettley
I hope there is a way this site can continue but I understand how things change. I check the site most days but changes in my own life (got married a year ago, two step kids) keep me from posting as much as I used to.
Thanks and I hope the site continues in some form.

Re: Regarding the Annual BBF Social and BBF in general

Posted: January 10th, 2012, 1:47 pm
by Tom Keels
Just to let everyone know. There is a deal in principle that will see one of the forum regulars take over the site. Nothing will change in the immediate future and for the foreseeable future everything will stay pretty much status quo. Hopefully this will ease everyone's minds a little. This person may chime in and make it known pretty soon so keep an eye out.

Re: Regarding the Annual BBF Social and BBF in general

Posted: January 10th, 2012, 1:58 pm
by Old Dog
Thanks for all of your efforts in creating the forum and keeping it going Tom. I don't participate much in any of the fishing forums but I do visit once in a while, and this one has always been tops.