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Nice Pick

Posted: August 12th, 2012, 8:51 pm
by Reel Addiction
Finally we have a Presidential Candidate choose a VP running mate that I actually want to listen to! Paul Ryan is smart, articulate, and equally qualified to run this Country as Mitt Romey. Maybe even more so. VP Biden better not even think about debating this guy. On second thought, maybe be should. that would be a very comical hour.

Re: Nice Pick

Posted: August 12th, 2012, 8:56 pm
by Flint River Pirate
He's a sharp guy but does it bother anyone else that neither presidential candidate or their running mates have ever served in the United States military? I was hoping at least the Republican Ticket would have one. That is part of the problem with our country. IMHO

Re: Nice Pick

Posted: August 12th, 2012, 9:24 pm
by Reel Addiction
The Republicans nominated John McCain last go around and look what happened to him. He ran a poor campaign thinking his military service would carry the election and he made a poor VP choice. Also, the left is anti military leaving the Independent vote to decide this election. I agree with you that a strong military background would be nice to see.

Re: Nice Pick

Posted: August 12th, 2012, 9:28 pm
by Flint River Pirate
I had to delete my original post. I made myself a promise to keep my mouth shut about politics on here.

Re: Nice Pick

Posted: August 12th, 2012, 9:52 pm
by Reel Addiction
That is probably good advise FRP. I shouldn't stir the pot either! Any idea where the red fish are biting?

Re: Nice Pick

Posted: August 12th, 2012, 10:01 pm
by bman
A reminder.. there is a politics forum for site sponsors.
No politics outside of that- lets keep conversation on the fish!

Re: Nice Pick

Posted: August 12th, 2012, 11:39 pm
by haliaetus
Thank you, bman.

Re: Nice Pick

Posted: August 13th, 2012, 6:04 am
by fishinfool
We found a couple reds in the Shell Point area yesterday. We had to GO around a lot of grass, CONSERVATIVE estimates were one fish an hour.

Re: Nice Pick

Posted: August 13th, 2012, 7:46 am
by Jumptrout51
Not fishing talk but not politics.

Re: Nice Pick

Posted: August 13th, 2012, 8:47 am
by charlie tuna
"My sons are all adults and they've made decisions about their careers and they've chosen not to serve in the military and active duty and I respect their decision in that regard. One of the ways my sons are showing support for our nation is helping me get elected because they think I'd be a great president." Mitt Romney
Like Dick Cheney, Mitt Romney had five deferments during the Vietnam War. What upsets me is they both want to creat a war, but refuse the duty to actually fight in them.