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NFGFC Tourny boat sunk

Posted: September 8th, 2012, 3:20 pm
by reelbad
Just received word from TroutTrent that one of the boats in the tournament sank in rough seas when his moter quit on him. FWC got to him and everyone is OK. Not sure of any other details at this time.

Re: NFGFC Tourny boat sunk

Posted: September 8th, 2012, 4:10 pm
by tallykenjsbetterhalf
Very scary. Thank goodness everyone is OK. We were out for a short time today. Water was very rough.

Re: NFGFC Tourny boat sunk

Posted: September 8th, 2012, 5:13 pm
by reelbad
Just talked to OneKeeper and was told that the fellow that swamped his boat lost everything. He said the last he saw of his boat it was drifting out the pass between Dog and St George. They were able to get to safety before FWC picked them up. Still not sure if he was alone or had his son with him. I'am sure some of the folks that were over there will give us the details later.

Re: NFGFC Tourny boat sunk

Posted: September 8th, 2012, 5:44 pm
by mastercaster
25 - 30 knt winds in east pass, not smart.

Re: NFGFC Tourny boat sunk

Posted: September 8th, 2012, 9:31 pm
by bman
Who was it? that is scary stuff!

Re: NFGFC Tourny boat sunk

Posted: September 9th, 2012, 7:22 am
by Jumptrout51
I will let him tell his events if he chooses too. What I can relate is what he told me.
His boat started taking on water.
He had a hand operated bilge pump.
While trying to use the bilge pump and run his tiller controlled motor,the water in the boat kept rising.
The water level caused the motor to stall.
The boat filled with water and overturned.
He was able to get on the overturned bow and using his cell phone called 911.
The only FWC on duty was in Panacea.
He was on the bow 1 and 1/2 hours when FWC came along side.
By then with a falling tide he had been pulled into East Pass between Dog and SGI.
His losses were boat motor three tackle boxes nine rods and reels gps vhf cell phone camera.

It reminded me of the Keaton tournament when TinCan and I were fishing on tournament day and started taking on water.

Re: NFGFC Tourny boat sunk

Posted: September 9th, 2012, 7:40 am
by Tidedancer
The only FWC on duty was in Panacea.
Why am I not surprised at that.

Re: NFGFC Tourny boat sunk

Posted: September 9th, 2012, 7:58 am
by tallykenj
It's too bad FWC didn't broadcast the situation on channel 16. Someone else could have helped sooner. I wonder what the FWC procedure is for this type of situation. Why wouldn't they have relayed the info to the Coast Gauard to have them respond and send out a BOLO?

Re: NFGFC Tourny boat sunk

Posted: September 9th, 2012, 8:19 am
damn. glad everyone made it home.

Re: NFGFC Tourny boat sunk

Posted: September 9th, 2012, 8:38 am
by wevans
Seems to me that the FWC made this situation a lot worse than it should have been! There are a LOT of boats available between C'belle and Apalach who could have assisted this boater in less than 15 minutes, yet they leave the man in the water for 1 1/2 hours, just so they can be the hero!! This boater could easily have been dead in the time wasted by the FWC and the officer responsible needs to be held accountable for this idiocy!!!!
I'm glad everyone is safe :thumbup:

PS: What the heck was he doing out there in such bad weather? It sounds like the boat was for close-to-shore fishin only "except in GOOD weather" :beer:

Re: NFGFC Tourny boat sunk

Posted: September 9th, 2012, 9:06 am
by rockyg
Plenty of time for recriminations after the fact. The only really important issue is the gentleman is safe. Fishing toys can be replaced. I was attending a funeral yesterday and I promise you the gentlemen standing there would have done anything, promised anything, and given everything just to spend one more minute with his wife.

I have little tolerance for criticizing law enforcement officers who are doing their job. The FWC "idiot" risked his life by attempting a rescue in East Pass in 20 knot winds. To the man clinging to the bow of his overturned boat I'll bet he looked like an angel from heaven.

I hope that same "idiot" is around in case I need help one day.

Re: NFGFC Tourny boat sunk

Posted: September 9th, 2012, 9:20 am
by Dubble Trubble
I would not call anyone names, the man or the FWC. Let's just say that it was not a very good idea to be out there in that wind with a tiller boat and motor. Also, a good handheld marine radio would have probably had help there within a few minutes.

Dubble :thumbup:

Re: NFGFC Tourny boat sunk

Posted: September 9th, 2012, 9:37 am
by Jumptrout51
He had a handheld vhf. it went down.

Re: NFGFC Tourny boat sunk

Posted: September 9th, 2012, 9:44 am
by Dubble Trubble
Makes me realize I really need to get me one of those orange floating ditch bags for my boat.

Found this article. ... ewsid=4131

Also, I was reading the article and the list of stuff, something hit me. There is nothing there to keep you out of the water. To me, trying to get the the stuff in the bag while floating chest deep in water would be hard. I thought of something. Why not carry a few of those cheap Wal-Mart blow up tubes with the bottom in them? Sure, they are cheap, but would get your arse out of the water for a little while. And they are flat when new so do not take up any space. I know it is not Coast Guard approved, but toting an approved raft (and at 800 to 1200 bux) in a ditch bag is not an option.

Also, those that have them, is the hard shell or soft one the best to have?

Dubble :thumbup:

Re: NFGFC Tourny boat sunk

Posted: September 9th, 2012, 9:44 am
by wevans
I call it like I see it, and rarely hold back! I stand by my statement that this was handled BADLY by the officer!! I to rarely criticize officers of the law, but won't hesitate when I feel it is deserved. The officer did what he was hired to do in going after the boater, but the boater could have easily drowned in the extended time that it took him/her to do said job!! I hope the "idiot" uses more common sense if you need him some day :beer: