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South Jawga Christmas Eve Buck!!

Posted: December 26th, 2012, 12:26 pm
by Bonecracker
Due to my busy schedule, the plantations busy quail huntin schedule, I have not deer hunted much this year!! :( I LOV to bow hunt and due to my bad left shoulder, I have not been motivated to hunt much this year for some reason!! :( :( The family talked me into takin my Knight muzzleloader and I hit the woods Sunday AM for the first time and saw 4 does and two small bucks! I would have shot a doe but they were out of range (140yds) and the bucks were close but way to small to shoot. Was not able to hunt Sunday evening due to family stuff and church so I went back Monday AM before work. I was huntin one of my favoite stands that tends to hold mature bucks as it is very close to a bedding area that the does like to use during the rut. 15min after day light I heard deer runnin around and a buck grunting but need more light as they were about 100 yds away. Caught sight of the buck and he was agin to small to shoot!! :smt005 All went quiet for bout 20 minutes and then I heard more (loud) grunting comin the thick bedding area to my rite. As I was searching for movement with my bino's, I caught a glimpse of a good main beam movin through the thicket and I grabbed my muzzleloader hopin for a shot!! After a lot of continued loud grunting the buck popped out of the thick stuff at 70 yds and I knew he was a shooter! Had to wait an agonizing 5 mins for a good broad-side shot and when I pulled the trigger the white-smoke made it difficult to see where I had hit the buck!! After a very quick 30yd sprint the buck was down! :thumbup:

Man this is easier than bow hunting! LOL!!! :D :-D :D


Re: South Jawga Christmas Eve Buck!!

Posted: December 26th, 2012, 8:23 pm
by MarkM
Nice deer!!!

Re: South Jawga Christmas Eve Buck!!

Posted: December 27th, 2012, 7:21 am
by SS-342
Nice story, rack and deer. Thanks for sharing!