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Lake Talquin (Stoutamire Landing) 6/8/13

Posted: June 9th, 2013, 3:29 pm
by Poopong McPlop
I put in at noon at Stoutamire landing. Went across the lake to go hunt down some friends to get some fresh bream for catfish bait, because my cast net tore on a stump at the end of the ramp. The ladies caught a few catfish and several handsize blue gill. They had a 5lb channel break them off while trying to land it. We came back across the lake later in rough conditions and anchored in the stumpfield in front of freemans creek. We didnt get a bite so we tried other places to no avail. About 7pm I finally located the Channel cats on the main lake shore, near the mouth of Freemans creek. I found them on structure in 4ft of water. There had to be at least 20 in the school. I boated three consecutively, and I missed a hook set on the 4th. After that the bite slowed noticeable and they began bumping the bait and stealing it. I lost 12 in a row. 1 spit the hook after a long battle, not sure how the hook didnt set and 4 others broke 15lb line charging towards open water, and I missed hook sets on about 8. I switched baits a few times to keep the bite going, but the fish were noticeably spooky. Another good day at Talquin. Water temps were about 88, wind was 15mph from the SE.

Re: Lake Talquin 6/8/13

Posted: June 9th, 2013, 8:37 pm
by bman
That lake is loaded with cats... Glad you had a good day!