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Lake Hall 6/10/13

Posted: June 10th, 2013, 11:08 pm
by Poopong McPlop
Dropped the boat in at 4pm after a brief 30 minute rain and thunder delay. We initially had planned to bob and tight line the weed edge in 15ft in search of Big Shell crackers and Blue gills, but since it was overcast I was getting good bottom reads in the shallow weed gaps. We fished around the pads near the swimming area and found a shell cracker bed, and a couple BG beds. We caught about 15 from there before moving to the gardens side of the lake, where we caught about 20 or more BG and shellcrackers. We ended up keeping about 6 that were gut hooked or keepers. Water temps were 82, and most fish were tight against the pads. Saw a lot of nice bass in large gaps in the offshore weed beds on sonar. Another good afternoon at Lake Hall

Re: Lake Hall 6/10/13

Posted: June 11th, 2013, 8:53 am
by jslorenz3
nice report :thumbup:

Just out of curiosity, why do you like bream fishing so much? Do you ever bass fish?

Re: Lake Hall 6/10/13

Posted: June 11th, 2013, 3:06 pm
by micci_man
can't speak for poopong (that sounds funny....) but big bluegills and crackers are some kind of fun on light tackle. I bass fish until I find a good brim or cracker bed then I take a break. Not to mention they eat good too.

Re: Lake Hall 6/10/13

Posted: June 11th, 2013, 3:36 pm
by big bend gyrene
micci_man wrote:can't speak for poopong (that sounds funny....) but big bluegills and crackers are some kind of fun on light tackle
Not just the "poop" portion of the "poopong" that tickles the old funny bone, but that the "poop" is followed by a "plop". Can't believe that's purely coincidental. :lol:

Re: Lake Hall 6/10/13

Posted: June 11th, 2013, 5:11 pm
by wally
Crickets? Beetle Spins? Popping Bugs? Never have had much love from Lake Hall. Used to sneak in from across the Park in the late 70s and fish at night in my younger days. We would catch some bass but never like what we were catching at Jackson during that time.

Re: Lake Hall 6/10/13

Posted: June 12th, 2013, 11:28 pm
by Poopong McPlop
We go out and target high numbers fish. The biggest key to Lake Hall is you must have a fluorocarbon leader, I like to have one even if I'm retrieving baits. For the most part I'm usually just out to have a good time and get on the water,and not deal with snags bottom bumping for bass during the middle of the day. I throw the jig a lot and catch a lot of them, but I'm usually just looking for any type of bite. I've caught hundreds of LMB as a kid. The people that lived on the lake in my neighborhood would give me free use of their boats and I would be out there every day since I was about 9 solely bass fishing. I also lived 2 houses down from Lake Jackson and would catch tons of Bass there too. I used to even have a huge fish tank with 10 sizeable LMB in it until I was 14. I guess I'm just not as interested in bass fishing since I got wore out as a kid, and when you target Bass you usually pass up a lot of other fish imo.

Re: Lake Hall 6/10/13

Posted: June 13th, 2013, 10:47 am
by jslorenz3
Good point. I guess I just get stuck in the rut of thinking that the only thing I could catch when I go fresh is bass.

Re: Lake Hall 6/10/13

Posted: June 13th, 2013, 11:22 pm
by cotton
Loving your post Poopong. I just don't have the patience to be great bass fishermen. After a few slow hours, out comes the light tackle, roadrunners and curly tails and the catching begins.

Here's a few reasons I love to panfish.
Crunching tails with friends and family.
Regular 50 fish days.
The never ending fight of big gills.
The thrill when something bigger takes that tiny jig, and the even bigger thrill if you can land it.
Cause in my family, bass were trash fish. Only gills and specs were brought home.

Keep them panfish reports coming.

Re: Lake Hall 6/10/13

Posted: June 13th, 2013, 11:38 pm
by Poopong McPlop
That's exactly my philosophy as far freshwater goes, just catch and catch and catch. As long as its not a gar, bowfin or carp. I keep a pole rigged for bass if they pop up on the sonar, which they do quite often. Besides I catch a bass every 10th fish anyways. I usually end up catching a few less bass than if I straight up targeted them. Its all fishing to me, I love running the sonar spotting a school of fish, throwing a buoy and throwing lures or bait at it to see what it is.

edit: I dont like catching eels either