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Lake Hall 7/1/13

Posted: July 1st, 2013, 10:41 pm
by Poopong McPlop
We arrived at noon to overcast skies. We moved around the edge starting from the swimming area. We then moved to the north side of the lake where we moved down the Pad edge. After catching nothing but smaller BG and shellcrackers, we moved to bass alley in the NE cove to fish the deepwater weeds in 12-15ft. I worked the area with a jig and boated 6 crappie. We also caught 10 decent BG as well. As the sun came down and the bait ran out we headed to the cove by the dock. There we picked up a friend and caught about 20 more handsize BG and shellcrackers. We caught all the bigger BG mopping the bottom and the specks on jigs tossed 50yds from the boat working it through deep weeds in 12ft. The specks were about 7ft down and hit a pink and white jig. Surface temps were in the low 80s and the wind was a steady 7mph out of the south. It was overcast all day with a small shower at 4pm. Another good day at the home lake.
