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Saturday 5/23

Posted: May 24th, 2015, 8:19 pm
by milto
So, my wifes' uncle and aunt came to town for the weekend and the plan was to get up early Saturday morning and hit it hard Saturday. Well, thanks to ole Rusty G who also came to town, and his friend FIREBALL the early Saturday start became a casual 9am start. We made our way down to Mashes with the intent of hitting the shoals and offshore reefs. I knew it would be windy but thought we could muscle thru it. Well, we got to the mouth and we quickly changed our minds. We hit the oyster bars at the mouth for maybe 10 minutes and I wasn't feelin it. So we packed up and headed back to St. Marks. My thought was with the east wind, we could hit some of the bars until the wind died down. We got to the first bar and ended up being the only one. Cast after cast we hooked up with black drum (We kept 4). Also caught 4 reds (2 keepers), 1 keeper sheepshead and of course the good ole kitty cat. Since I had picked up some chum for my original plan, we decided to head offshore since the wind laid down. We get out to our spot and within 5 minutes are hooked up with back to back cobia. One was short and the other wasa around 38". I let the wife play as I played captain for most of the day. Not sure what happened but after 10 minutes of fight her cobe came unbuttoned. After that it was shark after shark and a couple spanny macks mixed in. Either way had a great day on the water and showed them a good time with quite a mixed bag.

Re: Saturday 5/23

Posted: May 25th, 2015, 9:47 am
by Hit-n-Miss
:-D Great report sounds like a good day. :-D

Re: Saturday 5/23

Posted: May 25th, 2015, 11:17 am
by tallykenj