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St Marks 4/6 East wind

Posted: April 14th, 2016, 1:43 pm
by Bullet
Bartman & I couldn't wait any longer, we made our first trip of 2016.
We took his boat out to catch the falling tide on Tues p.m. (4/5). Only managed a couple of trout, 18" 20".
Tuesday brought with it an East wind, which doesn't usually bode well. The East wind didn't let up but neither did we.
Bartman did the trifecta, inshore slam, with 2 reds, nice trout, doormat.
I did my assist with a couple of good trout.
Also had the other typical action with the non-desired species.
The boat ran great, the bait (pins) was plentiful, and we got to hang out, fish together... bonus.

Tried to post a pic but I can't copy the link. I typed it out but that doesn't work (obviously).