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Posted: July 31st, 2017, 7:13 pm
Come on out to our 7th NFGFC meeting for the 2017 tournament season. August 3rd, 2017 at Beef O’ Brady’s on Thomasville Rd.

Trip Aukeman will be our speaker this week. He will be discussing the upcoming FWC workshops on Spotted Sea Trout and several of our other saltwater species.

We need to get our meeting #s up, the money we make from the meetings go towards our end of the year raffle. The more we make the bigger prizes we can raffle off. Bring your friends even if they don't fish with us they can buy raffle tickets and have a chance to win a nice prize.

Meet some new friends and fellow anglers, grab a bite to eat, talk fishing and even have a chance to win some great raffle prizes, $1 raffle tickets will be sold so bring your big money~

Don’t miss it! Meeting starts at 7pm in the back room.

Bonus- We now accept credit cards with the Square and can accept Apple and Android pay as well.

Haven’t signed up as a member yet? There’s still time! You can go online to http://www.NFGFC.ORG or sign up at the meeting!

You're missing out if you aren't fishing with us!

Who's in?????

See ya there!