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Serious debris west of lighthouse

Posted: October 27th, 2018, 8:06 pm
by Williamsdad
Just got home from my best day in 2 months, all as an observer, first mate. Took 2 of my Grandsons on a trip I promised pre-Michael. We did great. The two of them boated 10-12 reds up to 24', 2 or 3 nice black drum and a barely legal trout, along with the usual cats, grunts, and black sea bass.

Coming back to the lighthouse we saw what appeared to be the top half of a utility pole "floating", 1/2 submerged. It was 1/2 mile west of the St. Marks channel, in a direct line between the lighthouse canal and the first stake in the stake line. Wasn't hard to see if paying attention, but a definite danger.

Be careful.

Hopefully FWC monitors will see this.

Re: Serious debris west of lighthouse

Posted: October 27th, 2018, 10:38 pm
by sailcat
I was behind a boat running E. of the lighthouse last year when it went air born and did almost a 360 when the operator hit a submerged palm tree just under the water.
One bolt was holding the motor on, good thing they had their PFD's on.

Re: Serious debris west of lighthouse

Posted: October 28th, 2018, 4:43 am
by MudDucker
I'm surprised, I thought all of the debris from the storm washed up on my place at St. James. Need to be real careful, because I have seen so much stuff gone and a lot floating by in the water.

Re: Serious debris west of lighthouse

Posted: October 28th, 2018, 5:14 pm
by GaryDroze
You would not believe the flotsam I'm finding in the woods and sandflats around the levees in the St Marks NWR. Contact me if you want a 10ft PVC pushpole for cheap. And I will never hafta buy another cajun thunder. Also, I'm planning on hauling a foundered SMNWR boundary buoy in and giving it to the Headquarters Office rangers as a present.

Re: Serious debris west of lighthouse

Posted: October 29th, 2018, 7:14 am
by Srbenda
Here's the TowBoat US crew attempting to dislodge a well grounded sailboat yesterday on the Wakulla.
I'm not sure how the project went, but it looked like a pretty difficult job.


Re: Serious debris west of lighthouse

Posted: October 29th, 2018, 1:44 pm
by wskybiz
That last pic with the sailboat is a interesting (pathetic) story. That along with a 20+ foot older walkaround were left tied up to the owners dock as if no storm was coming. No prep or attempt to move them whatsoever. Saw it left as it always was when I was clearing my dock. I told my old lady about it and we crossed our fingers. Sure enough it took out all the surrounding docks including mine. What to do about it and is there anything I can do is the question???

Re: Serious debris west of lighthouse

Posted: October 29th, 2018, 4:51 pm
by Srbenda
wskybiz wrote:That last pic with the sailboat is a interesting (pathetic) story. That along with a 20+ foot older walkaround were left tied up to the owners dock as if no storm was coming. No prep or attempt to move them whatsoever. Saw it left as it always was when I was clearing my dock. I told my old lady about it and we crossed our fingers. Sure enough it took out all the surrounding docks including mine. What to do about it and is there anything I can do is the question???
Is that the walkaround closer to Shell Island that is usually strapped away from the dock?

No idea what liability / insurance would say regarding negligence, but I suspect their boat would be covered under "Acts of God" as the owner will claim they did the best they could under the circumstances, etc.