Food Plots

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Food Plots

Post by red_yakker »

I never got around to planting a Summer food plot like I swore I would last year, but I'm planning on plowing & fertilizing my spot this weekend for my Fall food plot. Last year, I did oats & rye (grain/field rye), and a small patch of ryegrass (like the kind you'd plant in your yards for ground cover in the Winter). Everything came up fine, and the deer were definitely attracted to it, but I have wondered if it could have been better. My spot gets some shade, and is next to some great acorn-producing live-oaks.

What do you guys plant?

Also, has anyone ever tried mowing their plot part of the way through the season to stimulate new growth?
I'm sure you'd have to do it before it started producing seeds in order to keep from killing the plant, but I bet it'd be a great attractant into the colder months when nothing else is putting on tender new growth.
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Re: Food Plots

Post by Hit-n-Miss »

I plant oats and wheat. Rye comes up green and thick but the deer don't seem to eat it. I add rape and crimson clover
(top seeded after covering the grains), both of which draw later in the season.
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Re: Food Plots

Post by Gulf Coast »

Soil is so bad here, even with lime, we just pour corn year round....more this time of year. With the price of diesel,fertilzer,seed and my time, I just don't think its worth it. That being said I bow hunt 99.9 % of the time so all I need is a mineral/feed station :smt004
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Re: Food Plots

Post by micci_man »

Grain rye is the way to go if you want to plant rye, same with oats and wheat. There are 3 way mixes that have Wrens Abruzzi rye, Coker 227 oats and Ga Gore wheat in them. For the last 2 seasons I have planted Jackson wheat. I also wait and plant the 2nd week of October. Plots planted at the end of August and early in September will be tall, green and look pretty mid way through the season but deer won't use them much.
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