Passing of "PA" Futchcairo

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big bend gyrene
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Passing of "PA" Futchcairo

Post by big bend gyrene »

Been a while since I've had time to visit the forum, but wanted to let any of the longtime board members know that "PA" Futchcairo (Alfred Earl Futch Sr) died back in August of 2023.

He sure led a full life, with flight combat service in Guam during WWII, tons of hard work in numerous Florida industries, and a 73+ year marriage to his wife.

Made one of the funniest posts on this forum regarding flaming armadillos... can read it about midway through this thread link... viewtopic.php?p=335667&hilit=armadillo#p335667

Obituary is worth a read just to see how tough and faithful a servant he was during his time on earth.
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Re: Passing of "PA" Futchcairo

Post by Whaler1981 »

I'm very sorry to hear that.

A small story - maybe 20 years my son was given a broken down 22' inboard bay boat and promptly tore it to pieces in our side yard. I wanted to get rid of it so posted on this site on before long I heard an older gentleman who drove up in a station wagon, checked out the tires and drove the thing off but not before sharing a few stories. I understand he fixed it up with an outboard and sold or gave it away I'm not sure. Anyway I was amazed by Pa's energy and ingenuity he was one of a kind.

May he rest in peace.
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Re: Passing of "PA" Futchcairo

Post by Hit-n-Miss »

Sorry to hear this. I met him once fine fellow. salute3
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Re: Passing of "PA" Futchcairo

Post by fishinfool »

Pa was a special person. I enjoyed his posts and stories. In the past few years I was amazed that his physical limitations were frequently interrupted by projects around the house. Painting, ladder climbing, boat repair and such were just a few of the things he did in between recuperating from illness and physical setbacks. He will be missed by his family and the community.
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Re: Passing of "PA" Futchcairo

Post by slow motion »

I offer my condolences. Seemed to be a great man who will undoubtedly be missed.
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Passing of "PA" Futchcairo

Post by Red Beard »

Condolences to your family. The Flaming Armadillo story is a BBFF classic for sure.
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Re: Passing of

Post by big bend gyrene »

Red Beard wrote: January 29th, 2024, 12:30 pm Condolences to your family. The Flaming Armadillo story is a BBFF classic for sure.
"Family" by military and fishing bonds only, but guess as bonds go those are two pretty good ones to have. :thumbup:
"The Marines I have seen around the world have the cleanest bodies, the filthiest minds, the highest morale, and the lowest morals of any group of animals I have ever seen. Thank GOD for the United States Marine Corps." Eleanor Roosevelt, 1945
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Re: Passing of "PA" Futchcairo

Post by Flint River Pirate »

He was a wonderful man and has given me so much guidance over the last 20 years. He told me to crank my boat every three weeks, no matter what. I have never forgotten that advice, and will think of him every time I do it! I wish that I had fished with him more.
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Re: Passing of "PA" Futchcairo

Post by Red Beard »

big bend gyrene wrote:
Red Beard wrote: January 29th, 2024, 12:30 pm Condolences to your family. The Flaming Armadillo story is a BBFF classic for sure.
"Family" by military and fishing bonds only, but guess as bonds go those are two pretty good ones to have. :thumbup:
Those are strong bonds.
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Re: Passing of "PA" Futchcairo

Post by doomtrpr_z71 »

I hate to hear about his passing, I never met him in real life but he had family that farmed cotton near me in ga, interesting guy for sure.

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Re: Passing of "PA" Futchcairo

Post by SHOWBOAT »

Sorry to hear that. He definitely left an impression on this forum and I’m sure many others.
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Re: Passing of "PA" Futchcairo

Post by Bailey »


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Re: Passing of "PA" Futchcairo

Post by dbplug »

I am sorry to hear that. He was a big wonderful man.
for petes sake
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Re: Passing of "PA" Futchcairo

Post by Old Dog »

Last edited by Old Dog on February 17th, 2024, 10:49 am, edited 2 times in total.
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Re: Passing of "PA" Futchcairo

Post by Blue spinner »

sorry to here of his passing
it's been a few years sense I gone by to see them and take him some fresh fish
i don't live up there any more, i would enjoy his life stores
One thing about the speed of light it gets here too early in the morning
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