On the way out, we fished a buoy that had been productive in the past. On the second cast near the buoy, my bobber disappeared in the murky water and I set the hook. BIG fish on! The rod was bending straight down and reel was screening as the fish pulled out line. Fishing for tripletail is going to be easy, I’m thinking. We’re going to limit out even before we get close to St. Vincent. As the fish started to tire and rise to the surface, it was clear that it was not a tripletail, but a trophy-sized sailcat, perhaps a personal best as well.

As we made our way to St. Vincent and around, we couldn’t find nearly as many attractors as we had found in the past. A couple years back, we found many attractors by nearly running over them as we went from one known spot to another. Maybe the attractors aren’t there anymore. Maybe they were out of sight because of the unusually high tides. I don’t know. Anyway, we ended the day with six sailcats and six undersized tripletail, which we released. If anyone has any triple strategies or suggestions on where I should be looking for tripletail attractors, please share or send me a private message. Thanks.

The weather was beautiful and so was the scenery. Another great day on the water.