Water condition?

Use this area to post inshore fishing reports from the area. Please try to include relevant information such as:
Location, date, time, water conditions, weather conditions, baits, techniques, species caught, etc.

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Water condition?

Post by Aucilla »

Been a while, y'all! I'm stirred to wanna wade fish Alligator Harbor like I used to do before every hurricane. But I am worried about bacteria in the water.... I'm talking wading out to chest deep and maybe spending a few hours out there, with shoes on of course. Is the water full of really bad bacteria thanks to development and a lot of rain? We probably don't know, but opinions are cool. I went plenty of times, and during those times rarely would see someone got the flesh eating bacteria there; but I never did lol.
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Re: Water condition?

Post by doomtrpr_z71 »

I wade fished it a couple of years ago and nothing rotted off lol

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Re: Water condition?

Post by Aucilla »

haha..... Yeah, I have fished there many many times, wading out or climbing out of my boat, on the Hiway 98 side. But it has been at least five years for me..... Way back in the day, I used to go down there and wade fish a day or two before every hurricane; and I'd catch what I called my "hurricane redfish" and do up a report on here. I would kid myself that the pressure drop or seeing all the people driving the other way towing boats out of the area must have made it lucky. After I while I figured I was catching almost everytime a hurricane was coming was because that was when I went fishing! Gettin' the bug again.... :)
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Re: Water condition?

Post by FTReelty »

Go get em!
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