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Re: Harassment

Posted: March 8th, 2017, 10:50 am
by BloodyChamp
I somehow missed the Panacea comment above. Human garbage is my conclusion also. People who don't really care about animals still kind of like Pelicans lol! So for somebody to go and eff up a bunch of Pelicans is just horrible. There's 1 at every marina, beach front hotel etc like helloooooooo I'm a big funny biiiirrrrrrd!!!!!!! And every vacation photo album has the Pelican picture...he stands perfectly still and looks right at the camera for 1 perfect shot unlike every human, pet, fish etc that you try to get a picture of 700 times throughout the vacation.

I know they're occasionally pesky but if pesky Pelicans are my biggest problem during a day of fishing then I ain't complaining. The eye covering method for the occasional hook up is the best thing to do as mentioned. It happens more with seagulls who are surprisingly drama free if you can just cover their eyes (if you don't they raise all kinds of you know what lol!).