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Re: Wake Up America!!!

Posted: August 21st, 2009, 9:02 am
by cueball
My vote goes with the Gyrene. Thanks for the post. That was exactly how I wanted to say it.

Crispy can wake up one day and have all of his "Right-wing conservative extremist nonsense" in the front yard.

Re: Wake Up America!!!

Posted: August 21st, 2009, 1:01 pm
by GatorBaiter
Crispy I grew up in Hawthorne and know High Springs well. Perhaps you haven't been back for a while and missed the many fields and forests in High Springs (and throughout Alachua County) that have been bulldozed for the cookie cutter subdivisions that have been dropped in side by side. I only say it is a shame because I thought and continue to think the area to be one of the most beautiful around. I am well aware that the Krishnas are outside Alachua but it seems you would have to have grown up there to have claimed that was a liberal area.

With regards to my statements about UF, let me clarify them further for you. UF has always had liberal students, conservative students, and everything in between. I am a third generation Alum so I can speak with some certainty as I am sure you can too. I went through the College of Agriculture so I can imagine that my peers and our experiences were different than say the College of Art, etc... When I speak of my displeasure, it is with the leadership and faculty at the University, not the students or our sports programs! They have underfunded, cut multiple programs, and made every attempt possible to push agriculture out of sight and mind. Of course this follows suite with the entire state of Fl in general. The United States of America has the cheapest, safest, and most readily available food supply in the world. This did not happen overnight or by accident. This happened thanks to the efforts and research that was conducted through Land Grant Schools such as the University of Florida. We have now reached an age where agriculture and our roots are taken for granted and even outright attacked by the liberal left. Remember that a secure food supply has been and is critical to the success of this great nation and try not to take it for granted next time you go shopping.