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Re: Interesting articles on global warming

Posted: May 25th, 2014, 6:05 pm
by Jhults11
You guys are right....I suppose the glaciers melted because they felt like it.... :smt011


Re: Interesting articles on global warming

Posted: May 25th, 2014, 6:32 pm
by Jumptrout51
They must have melted because "they felt like " melting.
The dates on your evidence would be well before any current man-made atmospheric changes.
UNLESS,we are all doomed in the next 20 years.
You know,like we were doomed in 1970 from the Ice Aghe that would occur before 1985.
Your pictures are cute,but have no bearing to back up global warming due to human intrusion.
I would still like to know "when" and "where" the good professor observed ice melting.

Re: Interesting articles on global warming

Posted: May 25th, 2014, 6:53 pm
by Jumptrout51
A footnote about your McCarty Glacier...........Climate

The peninsula has a coastal climate that is relatively mild, with abundant rainfall. It is one of the few areas in Alaska that allows for agriculture, with a growing season adequate for producing hay and several other crops.

Wassup wid dat?
No one in Alaska seems shocked or worried.

Re: Interesting articles on global warming

Posted: May 25th, 2014, 7:47 pm
by Jhults11
Here are a few more "cute" photos for you JT. These are a little more current. And if you want to get another unbiased opinion regarding global warming, Dr. Jeff Chanton offers a class at FSU called current issues in environmental science. :thumbup: Image

Re: Interesting articles on global warming

Posted: May 25th, 2014, 8:07 pm
by MudDucker
The erf cools down and the erf heats up. Evidence is there for many many centuries. We are at the end of the last ice age.

I'm sorry, but pictures such as these prove nothing, unless you are so uneducated you don't know climate history. :roll:

Re: Interesting articles on global warming

Posted: May 25th, 2014, 10:40 pm
by crappielimits
Genesis 1 In the beginning God created the heavens and the earth. 2 Now the earth was formless and empty, darkness was over the surface of the deep, and the Spirit of God was hovering over the waters.

Proverbs 3:5-6
Trust in the Lord with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding; in all your ways submit to him, and he will make your paths straight.

Love The Lord, trust his guidance! Be thankful of his mercy and forgiveness. Go fishing!

Re: Interesting articles on global warming

Posted: May 26th, 2014, 8:00 am
by CairoTrout
Yall want to bet that Dr. Chanton doesn't believe in God?

Re: Interesting articles on global warming

Posted: May 26th, 2014, 11:05 am
by big bend gyrene
With all the pictures of melting glaciers, here's a picture that somehow was missed in the "visual proof" shares.

Also relating to melting glaciers, want to be that when the ocean waters once formed the coastal plain flat lands beginning at the bottom of 59 in Wacissa, or better even yet in Columbia, SC, more than 120 miles from the current ocean shores in the Carolinas that the earth didn't have some melted glaciers, with nary a one melted by any man-made activity? :roll:

As for Dr. Chanton, guessing he's intelligent but skeptical he's any more so than MIT Physicist Richard Lindzen, Professor of Atmospheric Science John Christy, or Judith Curry, Chair of the School of Earth and Atmospheric Sciences at Georgia Tech. Gumbo, instead of attacking a few minutes of internet research, you'd be better served to defend in detail why these accomplished scientists are not to be trusted as much as Dr. Chanton.

Again, none of this proves / disproves whether warming is actually occurring outside historical (and I'm speaking to the entire history of the earth, not just man's time on it) variance. While I've said from the get-go I acknowledge it's possible, those defending it as "certain" sure are doing so with complete avoidance of the far off-the-mark claims by the warming community made just a number of years ago, as well as avoiding the issues of conflicting trends (ice cap growth, change from mild winters attributed to global warming to brutally cold "polar vortex" winters), as well as uncovered INTENTIONAL fudging of data that, per all of my earlier posts, can't help but create some skepticism.

Re: Interesting articles on global warming

Posted: May 26th, 2014, 11:11 am
by big bend gyrene
Man, hard to believe how selfish man was back about 50 million years ago when he made conditions so warm that there was little to NO ICE on earth, with the poles having similar temperatures to the equator! ;-) :lol:

From that crazy republican biased Wikipedia (sarcasm intended):

The Eocene Epoch contained a wide variety of different climate conditions that includes the warmest climate in the Cenozoic Era and ends in an icehouse climate. The evolution of the Eocene climate began with warming after the end of the Palaeocene-Eocene Thermal Maximum (PETM) at 56 million years ago to a maximum during the Eocene Optimum at around 49 million years ago. During this period of time, little to no ice was present on Earth with a smaller difference in temperature from the equator to the poles. Following the maximum was a descent into an icehouse climate from the Eocene Optimum to the Eocene-Oligocene transition at 34 million years ago. During this decrease ice began to reappear at the poles, and the Eocene-Oligocene transition is the period of time where the Antarctic ice sheet began to rapidly expand.

Re: Interesting articles on global warming

Posted: May 26th, 2014, 11:16 am
by big bend gyrene
CairoTrout wrote:Yall want to bet that Dr. Chanton doesn't believe in God?
CairoTrout, can't speak for Dr. Chanton, but that we've survived as long as we have with the sun providing warmth at a relatively dependable rate for us is nothing short of proof of His existence in my mind. Easy to think we're (earth) a big cog in the wheel of the universe, but far, FAR from the truth. Picture shows our scope of size relatively to that ol' ball in the sky that keeps us warm. :thumbup: :beer:


Re: Interesting articles on global warming

Posted: May 26th, 2014, 4:19 pm
by EddieJoe
Look, you doubters can drone on all you want, but the science is settled. Your problem is not that you aren't educated as scientists, or perhaps even have enough science related education to understand the concepts involved, it's because of your personal politics or cultural beliefs not allowing you to accept the reality. That's really O.K. with me, because everyone is entitled to their own politics. But hey, just go on and admit it: you won't accept the man-induced problem of global warming or you don't want governments to do anything about it no matter what the facts may be. And that is because you won't, for whatever reason(s). Especially in an internet space, not many people, if anyone, is likely to be persuaded to another viewpoint. Posting then and now photos of glaciers and quoting sea surface temperatures is just about useless. Even my geologist cousin is a denier, and it is firmly because of his politics. His science says yes, but he still says no, and I expect he always will. It has nothing to do with the data. We argued about it over beers until both of us were tired and neither of us changed our opinions one bit. He is a neo-conservative Texan working for the oil industry and any government action on global warming is likely to affect his business and his income, and that is more than enough for him, plus he considers it a "liberal" issue, so he hates it. But he and I have a whale of a good time sight fishing reds together in LA every year, and we are going again next month. That is fun that we can totally agree on!

Personally, I'm sorry I ever popped a little retort when Waldo felt obligated to post the drivel report that he did. Mostly, I ignore that stuff because it's almost like arguing over religion: you don't get anywhere and you just tend to make enemies for no good reasons. My apologies if I stirred things up.

So anyway, hope every one is enjoying the holiday. I remembered fondly and with awesome respect some old comrades and friends that didn't make it back. Hope you all did too.


Re: Interesting articles on global warming

Posted: May 26th, 2014, 6:03 pm
by Jumptrout51
Tell me EddieJoe,how many centuries was the Earth flat and hoiw many did the Sun revolve around the Earth/
How many were we the only galaxy?
How many scientist glorified in their day were proven wrong?
How many scientist on the GW band wagon in the past 40 years have jumped off?
Why didn't the Ice Age predicted in the 1970's happen?
Why didn't the global warming devastation predicted in the 1990's happen?

Re: Interesting articles on global warming

Posted: May 26th, 2014, 6:23 pm
by Jumptrout51
EddieJoe wrote: Even my geologist cousin is a denier,

After reading Dr. Chanton's internet bio's I think he suffers from your cousins disease.
Any opinion other than the one he expresses publicly puts him out of a job.

Re: Interesting articles on global warming

Posted: May 27th, 2014, 6:50 am
by MudDucker
EddieJoe wrote:Look, you doubters can drone on all you want, but the science is settled. .


It is settled science. So far those crying global warming have been found to be charlatans and hoaxes.

Re: Interesting articles on global warming

Posted: May 27th, 2014, 10:07 am
by wevans
EddieJoe wrote:Look, you doubters can drone on all you want, but the science is settled. Your problem is not that you aren't educated as scientists, or perhaps even have enough science related education to understand the concepts involved, it's because of your personal politics or cultural beliefs not allowing you to accept the reality. That's really O.K. with me, because everyone is entitled to their own politics. But hey, just go on and admit it: you won't accept the man-induced problem of global warming or you don't want governments to do anything about it no matter what the facts may be. And that is because you won't, for whatever reason(s). Especially in an internet space, not many people, if anyone, is likely to be persuaded to another viewpoint. Posting then and now photos of glaciers and quoting sea surface temperatures is just about useless. Even my geologist cousin is a denier, and it is firmly because of his politics. His science says yes, but he still says no, and I expect he always will. It has nothing to do with the data. We argued about it over beers until both of us were tired and neither of us changed our opinions one bit. He is a neo-conservative Texan working for the oil industry and any government action on global warming is likely to affect his business and his income, and that is more than enough for him, plus he considers it a "liberal" issue, so he hates it. But he and I have a whale of a good time sight fishing reds together in LA every year, and we are going again next month. That is fun that we can totally agree on!

Personally, I'm sorry I ever popped a little retort when Waldo felt obligated to post the drivel report that he did. Mostly, I ignore that stuff because it's almost like arguing over religion: you don't get anywhere and you just tend to make enemies for no good reasons. My apologies if I stirred things up.

So anyway, hope every one is enjoying the holiday. I remembered fondly and with awesome respect some old comrades and friends that didn't make it back. Hope you all did too.

EJ, I have liked you for many years and will continue to do so :thumbup: I will say that you could give a much stronger argument if YOUR political beliefs didn't stand out so glaringly and your disdain for those not as educated as you not so apparent!! I am a high school drop-out and a self taught computer expert, yet I am considered unintelligent because I didn't learn everything from a book in college :smt009 I read a LOT "probably the reason for my failing eye sight", had never tuned in Fox until you accused me of it "I found it about as useful as watching any other major news station" and think the Moon is more likely Cheddar, not the Green stuff :smt004
While man does contribute to the pollution of our atmosphere, I believe that the raging fires across the globe, the eruptions from volcanoes and the release of gas from melting glaciers are the more likely culprits in the rise of Co2 in the atmosphere over the last few years.
I will now let this thang rest fer a while and try ta git some wurk did :-D :beer: :beer: