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Keaton Beach 3-14-03 & 3-15-03

Posted: March 17th, 2003, 10:51 am
by Flats & Grubs
What a couple of great days on the water. We almost cancelled our trip thursday due to the weather forecast for rain fri. & sat. We decided to go anyway and i'm sure glad we did. Not a drop of rain either day.
Friday we left the marina around 9:30 with overcast skies and temps in the low 60's. The seas had a light chop from the wind, but nothing to really complain about. We headed out to around 7'-0" of water and started casting S.A. candy corn grubs on red jig heads. The bite was slow until around 11:00 when the sun broke and the temp got up to around 73. The best bet seemed to be a Cajun Thunder with a candy corn grub about 5'-0" below. We also tried live pinfish with no sucess at all. We caught specs all day long, but alot of them were shorts. We ended up with 9 keepers ranging from 15" to 19", no fish over 20".
Saturday morning the skies looked like it was going to rain, and there was a fairly dense fog. We decided to head on out anyway to the same spot we fished the day before. Around 11:00 once again the sun broke out and cleared the fog and clouds. We caught 2 keepers quick and then it just stopped. We were about the only boat out in deeper water. It looked like everybody was fishing in 4' to 5'. Since the sun was out and no threatening clouds we decide to head out to one of the artificial reefs. This was my first trip out that far in our 18' c.c. so my nerves were a little on edge. The trip out was perfect and the g.p.s did all the work. Had a little trouble anchoring properly and couldn't stay on the spot just right. We caught several black sea bass on live pinfish, but no grouper. The Mackerel were EVERYWHERE on our way out and in. I've never fished for them so I wasn't prepared with steel leaders or bait. I cast a grub at them several time with no luck. We came back in close to shore and caught 1 more keeper spec in about 5' of water to finish the day.
All in all it was a great relaxing 2 days of fishing. Thanks for all the great advice from everyone who post on this site.

Flats & Grubs

Posted: March 17th, 2003, 11:05 am
by rx fisher
I say fire the weather man, glad you had a good trip.
We got to get out on Saturday. Great day.
Come on back anytime.

Posted: March 17th, 2003, 12:59 pm
by Sir reel
Thanks for a really good report. :D I know the feeling you spoke of about going out a bit farther for the first time. Its good that you do have that respect. Don't loose it. Question. how deep did you fish when you did go out?

Sir Reel

Posted: March 17th, 2003, 2:39 pm
by Flats & Grubs
We went out about 9.5 miles from Keaton. The water was between 25' &
30'. Started spotting Mackerel about 5 miles out. I forgot to mention that I tried trolling a Manns stretch 25 with no luck either.

Flats & Grubs

Posted: March 17th, 2003, 6:02 pm
by tin can
Sounds like a very good 2 days. I remember my first trip offshore in my 17' CC. Ya have to pick your days. Glad you had a good trip.

Posted: March 17th, 2003, 6:23 pm
by wevans
I've been out 20 miles in my Bass boat "and they call me crazy :o ", but like TC said, ya have ta pick your days and be confident that ya can run in if it starts ta git rough :lol: I always try ta keep a pole for inshore, if I'm goin offshore and vice-a-versa :D


Posted: March 18th, 2003, 12:20 am
by Flats & Grubs
20 miles in a bass boat ! :o I definently don't have the experience or knowledge of the sea to try that yet. Maybe in a few more years, I have become hooked (no pun intended) very fast on saltwater fishing. Thanks for the advice, maybe next time i'll be ready for the Macks !