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Jig Head Weight

Posted: March 18th, 2003, 12:10 pm
by Sir reel
Coming back from the Econfina on Sat. I stopped at JR's to get enough gas to make it back to town and ran into Capt Vic (Barefoot Charters). We had a very good discussion about various tech's and trout fishing. He looked at my gear and suggested that I try a lighter jig head under neath the cajun thunder. :o I have been using a 1/4 ounce and he felt that a 1/8 would be better because it would flutter more when moving up and down in the water. What's the feeling of all you experts??

Also, although he did not say anything regarding the length of my drop below the CT, I heard radio conversation that would indicate several of the successful boats this past weekend were using anywhere from 5 to 6 ft of leader. I generally don't go that deep but again what's your feeling on how deep to fish below a CT. Thanks. :D

(ps if Capt Vic happens to read this, Thanks for the freebies...and the information!!) :D

Posted: March 18th, 2003, 1:28 pm
by Tom Keels
1/4 is the lightest I use, but I tend to work my bait faster and a heavier jig head helps me do that. But he is right, if the fish are finicky, a lighter jig and smaller CT will cause the bait to fall slower.

I have used as much as a 7 foot leader on mine but I don't recommend it. Normally anything over about 5 foot and I'll switch to a straight jig.

Posted: March 18th, 2003, 2:29 pm
by CSMarine
It really depends on how fast the water is running, if your drift fishing the flats, or if your fishing bars or the bank. I fish from no lead head in extrem skinny water, up to 1/4 oz max in deeper flats. I try to keep the bait just above the grass on the fall, and in site all the time. Most of the time I use 1/8 oz.

Posted: March 18th, 2003, 2:38 pm
by Flats & Grubs
I'm definently not an expert, but I had a lot of luck using a 1/4 oz. jig head with 5' of leader under a Cajun Thunder. I caught more fish with this set-up than anything else I tried.

Flats & Grubs

Posted: March 18th, 2003, 6:54 pm
by Ken K
Do ya'll ever use the unweighted "flats equalizer" floats?
I most always use 1/8 Cotee jig heads and hardly ever use a float.

Posted: March 18th, 2003, 9:20 pm
by dstockwell
Have only used 1/4 oz with Cajun Thunder. However I have some 1/8 have not tried yet.

Posted: March 19th, 2003, 9:34 am
I've found that if your gonna be fishing a CT in that deep of water, it can be a lot easier to use a carolina rig on bottom with a 2 foot leader and an unweighted hook on the grub, just like bass fishing......try it, I've had real good action with this technique.