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Great Idea for the Holiday Season!

Posted: December 6th, 2007, 8:26 am
by MudDucker

Oh and Merry CHRISTmas and a Happy New Year to all!


Posted: December 6th, 2007, 8:40 am
by Dubble Trubble
Yup, the majority in this country are going to be ruled by the "offended" if they do not quit sitting on their arses and doing nothing....

Hooray for this guy....he has the kahunas to say it like it is....

I for one do not nor have I ever given a crap who I offended. If they do not like this country of free speech, LEAVE!

Dubble :thumbup:

Posted: December 6th, 2007, 8:45 am
by Tom Keels
Not sure who ripped off who first, but Andy Rooney did this exact same rant on 60 minutes Sunday.

Posted: December 6th, 2007, 8:48 am
by Dubble Trubble
By the way, the Cabellas Catalog and web sites say MERRY CHRISTMAS.....

I shop with the guys who have guts.....

Dubble :thumbup:

Posted: December 6th, 2007, 9:15 am
by Wadey
Good on Cabellas, I guess it wont be too long before this crap hits the UK !
Top man Dubble say it as it is :thumbup: and if we offend idiots then so be it! "Wake Up" USA and UK we are losing our countries and way of life to "Political Correctness"

Posted: December 6th, 2007, 10:12 am
by Soccerdad
"Wake Up" USA and UK we are losing our countries
I'm not certain about the UK, but in the US we do not have an official religion .. we are FREE. Free to worship as we choose or to not worship at all. Free to celebrate Hannukah or Kwanza or the Solstice or maybe even Christmas. We are even free to be so arrogant in our practice of faith that we can try to jam it down people's throats.

Posted: December 6th, 2007, 10:42 am
by Wadey
Soccerdad wrote:
I'm not certain about the UK, but in the US we do not have an official religion .. we are FREE. Free to worship as we choose or to not worship at all. Free to celebrate Hannukah or Kwanza or the Solstice or maybe even Christmas. We are even free to be so arrogant in our practice of faith that we can try to jam it down people's throats.

In the UK we are free to say Merry Christmas :thumbup:
It would appear you are not as free as you think in the USA if you cant Freely say it? and have to say Happy Holidays :thumbdown:

Posted: December 6th, 2007, 1:31 pm
by Dubble Trubble
Soccerdad wrote:
"Wake Up" USA and UK we are losing our countries
I'm not certain about the UK, but in the US we do not have an official religion .. we are FREE. Free to worship as we choose or to not worship at all. Free to celebrate Hannukah or Kwanza or the Solstice or maybe even Christmas. We are even free to be so arrogant in our practice of faith that we can try to jam it down people's throats.
Sorry, but I am gonna respond to this. I am not even that religious of a guy, but Christmas is Christmas. Santa is Santa, and he goes HO HO HO. Now soccerdad, I will repeat this: If you do not like what the MAJORITY of us here do in the good old USA, you are FREE to leave.....

I have not asked you to say Merry Christmas, but I darn sure can say it all I want to, and do not want some jackleg liberal or turban headed quack telling me I offend them.

Dubble :thumbup:

Posted: December 6th, 2007, 3:37 pm
by Soccerdad
There is nothing quite like adding-in, adding-on, misinterpreting and misquoting.
Now soccerdad, I will repeat this: If you do not like what the MAJORITY of us here do in the good old USA, you are FREE to leave.....
OK Dubble, I will leave the country I was born in because someone who has the right - granted by the Constitution - to say whatever they want to say .. whether it is Merry Christmas, Happy Hannukah, or Have A Nice Holiday has had the audacity to say it. You choose to say Merry Christmas. I support you 100% But if Crate and Barrel (or anyone else) chooses to say Happy Holiday, they are just as solid in their right and freedom to do so. That, my friend, is what this country is all about. Freedom. You are even free to insult other religions and anyone that you consider to be a jackleg. But you might want to do a Dubble check on the Constitution before you declare that the good old US of A endorses either Christmas or Santa.

ps .. who is the 'jackleg liberal?' The guy in the video? I think maybe I agree. He did seem to be anti-Constitution, anti-freedom, and anti-tolerance. Sort of like Christianity's answer to intolerant people from other faiths.

Posted: December 6th, 2007, 4:35 pm
by cygraphics
very well put soccerdad.

Posted: December 6th, 2007, 4:53 pm
by Dubble Trubble
Soccerdad wrote:OK Dubble, I will leave the country

Good bye

Dubble :thumbup:

Posted: December 6th, 2007, 6:33 pm
by CatchYourLimit
Sounds like you guys are celebrating Festivus... With the airing of grievances and all. :)

Posted: December 6th, 2007, 8:48 pm
by rocket
CatchYourLimit wrote:Sounds like you guys are celebrating Festivus... With the airing of grievances and all. :)
Time to start the feats of strength :thumbup:

Posted: December 6th, 2007, 9:28 pm
by MudDucker
Soccerdad wrote:
"Wake Up" USA and UK we are losing our countries
I'm not certain about the UK, but in the US we do not have an official religion .. we are FREE. Free to worship as we choose or to not worship at all. Free to celebrate Hannukah or Kwanza or the Solstice or maybe even Christmas. We are even free to be so arrogant in our practice of faith that we can try to jam it down people's throats.

Who put a bug up your butt. There is nothing about jamming anything down any throat. It is about the Christian's right to recognize his religion and to support those who think like him.

Don't start your constitutional crap with me. From your posts, you are spouting the typical ignorant liberal spout. That may work with some, but I seriously doubt you have 1% of the constitutional law knowledge that I have. There was nothing in this piece that offends the constitution. The constitution only guarantees that the government will not dictate which religion or any religion you choose or do not choose to practice. It in no way demands that one group be politically correct with its own views about its religions or its religious holidays. Nor does it dictate that I must accept your views or you accept mine. It evens protects your right to say what you want, even incorrect quotes respecting constitutional law.

If you don't want to celebrate Christmas, that is your right. It is not your right to tell me how I am to celebrate, what I am to say and what merchants I refuse to do business with.

BTW, you are free to stay. You are free to say. I am also free to call male bovine feces BS!

Posted: December 6th, 2007, 10:10 pm
by birddog
rocket wrote:
CatchYourLimit wrote:Sounds like you guys are celebrating Festivus... With the airing of grievances and all. :)
Time to start the feats of strength :thumbup:
:smt005 :smt005 :smt005 Damn I miss that show. :cry: