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Loss of Boating Access East Franklin County

Posted: May 6th, 2003, 11:46 am
by krovbo
Boater help is needed to continue usable access for boaters in Eastern Franklin County. Special interest groups are trying to place in the Visioning plan for the county and ultimately the Comp Plan restrictions on launch ramps, marinas and motorized boats. These are often couched in objections to development, but don't be fooled.

There are currently proposals in the visioning plan to ban all motorized boats from Turkey Point, Lanark reef area and west almost to Carrabelle.
This will be done by bouyed restricted zones.

You can verify this by accessing the FSU site of the group conducting the vsioning process at and reading the results of the workshops.

I've been conducting a one man effort to support equity for boating interests, but I can't carry it alone and need your help. Unless you want to fish from a kayak or Launch at Moorings in Carrabelle for $20 you had better speak up. Attend the next meeting on county infrastructure in Appalachicola on May 20th at 6:00pm in the court house annex.

Hey, Krovbo

Posted: May 7th, 2003, 12:34 pm
by Lawfish
You wouldn't be my neighbor on the point with the 21' Whaler, would you?


Posted: May 8th, 2003, 8:53 am
by krovbo
Do have 21' whaler. Which is going to shop today!

Posted: May 8th, 2003, 8:57 am
by Lawfish
Then you must be my neighbor. I saw your son had taken the Whaler out and trailered it Sunday. What's wrong with it? He must have missed a great day of fishing Sunday. Water was like a mill pond. We brought back 3 groupers and a slew of black bass and KW grunts. With no GPS and a lousy bottom finder. :wink:

neighbor 2

Posted: May 8th, 2003, 9:08 am
by krovbo
Just figured out what lawfish meant! NOt much wrong with boat just: oil pump, fresh water pump, raw water pump, anchor winch, power to gps and video, and cowling catch. Think steering still works! Boat just can't survive two successive weekends of visiting children.

If this keeps up you may want to upgrade to a 21'er.

Posted: May 8th, 2003, 9:30 am
by Lawfish
I'll stick with my old 17'er. Not much to go wrong on that one. Sounds like your boat really took a pounding. Did they at least catch anything? I cleaned some grouper for them Friday night, but didn't hear from them the rest of the weekend.

Posted: July 7th, 2003, 11:39 am
by generalee
If anyone doubts the need for boat ramp access in the Alligator Point area, this past holiday weekend boat launching traffic should have convinced them otherwise. The "S" curve ramp and the ramp at Alligator Point Marina are very shallow and will not safely accomodate larger boats at any tide stage. Access to these ramps are very limited and narrow.

I will be happy to join any organized effort to direct attention to this need and work for resolution. Ideas -- thoughts ??