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Spawning Shrimp

Posted: January 13th, 2008, 7:24 pm
by Chalk
My version of the EP spawning shrimp & Noleflyfishers shrimp. Color is your choice for the fly, as well as hook size. Hardest part is the dubbing loop and palmering the craft fur. If your not sure what a dubbing loop is check out this link - Dubbing Loop


Green and Cream ones - the color options are endless

Materials Used
Hook: Mustad 34007 size 2 or 4.
Thread: Flat waxed nylon (color your choice)
Tail: Crystal Flash (color similar to wing), silli-legs (color your choice) and burnt mono eyes
Egg Sac: Ice chenille large orange
Body: Ice chenille or estaz - medium to large depends on how buggy you like your bugs
Wing: Palmered select craft fur (color your choice)
Head: 1/8 eyes
Weed Guard: 20-pound hard mason mono

Wrap hook shank with thread to just past the barb
Tie in flash twice the length of the hook
Tie in Silli-legs 2/3's the length of the flash
Tie burnt mono eyes.
Tie in large orange ice chenille egg sac, two or three wraps only.
An option is to wrap the whole body with the egg sac chenille, the white ones in the picture above are that way.
Tie in chenille for the body
Wrap thread forward and tie in eyes leaving space for weed guard.
Wrap the body chenille half the distance to the eyes and tie off.
Now form a dubbing loop 3-4 inches and fill with craft fur. I place the cut ends of the craft fur close to the dubbing loop, space the fur up and down the loop, then spin the dubbing loop. Once the loop is tight, the craft fur will be spun around the dubbing loop...take time to comb the hair out, give it a brush. Once you have it in order palmer it around the shank to the eyes, make sure you stroke the hair back as you palmer forward. Wrap thread around the loop and cut the excess dubbing loop off and wrap some more to secure it.
Tie in the weedguard
Whip finish
Head cement.
The craft fur wrapped around the body as you palmered it, comb out the hair, cut any wild hairs and you are done.

Enjoy...if you tie some up and catch something on it post it here, I'd love to see it :thumbup: :thumbup:

Re: Spawning Shrimp

Posted: January 13th, 2008, 8:51 pm
by Eerman
looks good Chalk, thanks for the link :thumbup:

Re: Spawning Shrimp

Posted: January 13th, 2008, 9:24 pm
by Barhopr
nice Chalk.

Re: Spawning Shrimp

Posted: January 14th, 2008, 7:52 pm
by noleflyfisher
Those look awesome Chalk. Nice and buggy. :thumbup: :thumbup:

Re: Spawning Shrimp

Posted: January 16th, 2008, 5:30 pm
by Capt Reggie
:lol: Nice pattern, Chalk - I sent a copy to my FBBF files to tie some up. I have been searching for an optional salt water shirmp fly to demo at one of our club activities coming up soon and this fits in just fine! Thanks for such innovative fly tying idea...well done, sir! :thumbdown: :thumbdown:

Re: Spawning Shrimp

Posted: January 16th, 2008, 7:00 pm
by Chalk
I have some options for this one:
You can add a small amount of craft fur to the tail, the white ones are tied in that manner. Another option is to tie in a dubbing loop (5 to 6 inches) after or before the egg sac and palmer forward to the eyes. Do not place the wraps to close together until you get close to the dumb bell eyes....I was playing around with the idea of doing the dubbing loop with some rabbit fur too...some many ideas so little time :x :lol: