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Posted: January 28th, 2002, 10:24 am
by dewyafish
Decided to go anyway even after Outlaws phone call. I was not very optomistic but my son insisted that we go, so here we went.
Put in a little after 9am on avery steep low tide ramp. Too steep to put Auston in Driver's seat so it took a little extra time. Finally got out of the canal and channel in 1ft of water in spots, lucky I took the stick-steering boat, set up a drift in 3ft and caught a 19incher in 4ft. that was the 1st fish of the day it was 10:15. We started to catch short fish almost every other cast for a few minutes. Auston decided he had enough jigging and started to catch pinfish on an ulta light rig that i had brought along, even caught a 10in trout on this rig. They were on fire!
Over-all we had avery good day with 8 keepers from 15-19 inches 6 of these fish were over 17in. Started to rain at 2pm and I didn't want to get caught out in the jon-boat so we headed in. Got a pretty good fresh-water wash down between Perry and Monticello. Back home before dark with boat ashed and tacle cleaned. Slept like a baby.