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Steinhatchee 12-26-2008

Posted: December 27th, 2008, 2:24 am
by jsuber
Went back to Steinhatchee today. 100 miles each way is a long way for a little fishing. Got out on the flats and the Reds were already tailing in the fog. I eased over and pitched them a gulp shrimp on a 1/8 oz jighead. I just deadsticked it because if you move it around in the grass too much they get spooked. Picked up a nice 25" right off the bat. The four or five that were hanging out with him ran off. Not to worry I had several hundred acres of water to harvest from so I just went to the next batch of tailers. Picked up 4 more before i heard this Morning sound coming out of the fog. Damn, I thought, as my fortress of solitude had been penetrated by the deafening sound of another fishermans voice. This one just happened to paddle into my drift too. No worries, just blow it off. And good thing because as it turns out I knew this fellow. He too was from Crawfordville. I paddled about half a mile away, and was catching Ladyfish and Trout when I heard a horrible noise. Airboats, as in plural meaning more than one. They ran onto the flat I just left to the the other kayaker and buzzed him twice, then ran over tha flat exactly like a farmer would plow a new field for harvest. Now this section of water is about 400 acres, and they ran up and and down and around on it for 35 solid minutes, and then left. So naturally, I left too. I have no idea what the mission was there, but it looked like they were running fish towards a net. I ran into the other kayaker and he had a Redfish at 22" and 5 trout he caught on his flyrod, and as I left him, three boats moved onto the flat within 50 feet of him. I looked over at him from about 500 yards away and just gave him the old "What are you gonna do" shrug with both palms facing up and arms extended. I left and went to Hickory Mounds, and ran into Cueball and his family from Thomasville, and Waltdawg. We went out on the flat, paddled past 4 or 5 boats and proceeded to catch trout. I heard one person on a boat comment' Look at that, first cast too", as we started reeling them in with the old Glow DOA 5.5" Jerkbait with the ever famous Tye Smith Rig. I called it a day and went to the hill. Two days in a row was wearing me out. Well, I gotta hard day of fishing tomorrow, so I better get some sleep.


Re: Steinhatchee 12-26-2008

Posted: December 27th, 2008, 7:40 am
by CATCH 22
Good job Jeff, you've been waxing 'em lately :thumbup:

Re: Steinhatchee 12-26-2008

Posted: December 27th, 2008, 8:40 am
by WaltDawg
Sounded promising, sorry to hear about the airboats. :smt012

Re: Steinhatchee 12-26-2008

Posted: December 27th, 2008, 8:57 am
by Flint River Pirate
Nice job Jeff! That is weird about the airboat "plowing" the water. I wonder what he was doing? Even as loud as an airboat is on the surface, I don't think the sound penetrates into the water like a conventional outboard so I doubt he was hearding them into a net but who knows? I am glad you have been tearing them up lately. How are your tourament standings or is it over?

Re: Steinhatchee 12-26-2008

Posted: December 27th, 2008, 1:29 pm
by culrich
Good Catch :thumbup:

Re: Steinhatchee 12-26-2008

Posted: December 27th, 2008, 3:42 pm
by KyTrkyHntr
Another awesome trip!! Nice! :thumbup:

Re: Steinhatchee 12-26-2008

Posted: December 27th, 2008, 3:46 pm
by jsuber
When the water is 6 inches deep and you throw 300 hp or more on top of .150 aluminum at 20 mph, it makes a lot noise as its whizzing through the grass and mud. Its louder than a helicopter.

Re: Steinhatchee 12-26-2008

Posted: December 27th, 2008, 6:30 pm
by Flint River Pirate
jsuber wrote:When the water is 6 inches deep and you throw 300 hp or more on top of .150 aluminum at 20 mph, it makes a lot noise as its whizzing through the grass and mud. Its louder than a helicopter.

Re: Steinhatchee 12-26-2008

Posted: December 31st, 2008, 2:21 am
by Tennessee
Those air boats are weard. I fished to dark in that area, and about dark here they come. One ran right through a bunch of boats, following two others. My first thought was idiot. Where is my gun, but realized I was in Florida. Good thing too. Have to right now no Idea what they were trying to do.

Re: Steinhatchee 12-26-2008

Posted: January 1st, 2009, 1:25 am
by Reel Cowboy
100 miles isn't that far Suber not everybody lives in Crawfordville but I digress.
Sucks about the airboats but you got out there .

Re: Steinhatchee 12-26-2008

Posted: January 1st, 2009, 6:44 am
by Ron Wilson
Another good trip, Jeff. :beer: