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Alligator Point 7-25-2009

Posted: July 25th, 2009, 10:04 pm
by Tom Keels
One of our newest members max i asked if I wouldn't mind showing him and his family some fishing spots while they were down on vacation. I happily obliged and it seemed to workout ok.

We left AP early, caught bait at DIR and headed to K tower. We had it to ourselves and tried for whatever would bite. Max and his son Blake both had early misses on AJ's but they both got a couple of shorts. We couldn't buy a keeper.


We played with them a while and had 2 brown bombers buzz the boat, but they spooked at the site of my jig. I thought I had blown it. Max hooked up with another short AJ and mister hebrew mullet decided he wanted him more. My Tekota 700 did not stand up to it and it is headed for the shop.

The seas were almost slick so we ran out to Yamaha stopping at a couple of spots along the way for a grouper or snapper and found neither.

At the Yamaha there were 5 boats all anchored off the structure. We pulled up, put a pinfish down, started a drift and Max hooked up within 2 minutes.


About 10 minutes later and a bent gaff hook, we had the bomber in the boat.



She went 30 lbs on the scale.

More short AJ's and a barracuda joined the fun...


We made one more drift and it was my turn. This bad boy gave my tekota 500 a workout and took me to the rail. I got the best of him though.


Back at the dock he went 18 on the scale.

It was about noon and the storms were building. The tide was almost non existent and we were a good ways offshore. We hit a couple of more numbers on the way in with nothing to show for it. Made it back to the dock at 1pm just ahead of the deluge.

Max is down all week and is supposed to give a full report when he gets back. We had a good time and everyone was whooped from AJ's. I just wish I could spend a full day offshore without a thunderstorm. Oh well, I guess that's what October is for. Couldn't complain about the slick calm seas though.

Re: Alligator Point 7-25-2009

Posted: July 25th, 2009, 10:13 pm
by Flanders
Looks like a fun trip Tom. Nice Fishes!! :thumbup:

Re: Alligator Point 7-25-2009

Posted: July 25th, 2009, 10:13 pm
by bman
You did better than we did-- Grouper bite was non existent.
Nice Cobes!!

Re: Alligator Point 7-25-2009

Posted: July 25th, 2009, 10:57 pm
by jsuber
Nice Suits gentlemen

Re: Alligator Point 7-25-2009

Posted: July 25th, 2009, 11:03 pm
by WaltDawg
Nice ling! Glad you guys got on 'em.

Re: Alligator Point 7-25-2009

Posted: July 26th, 2009, 1:13 pm
by Sea Sea Rider
Quit picking on my Cobia. :wink:

Re: Alligator Point 7-25-2009

Posted: July 26th, 2009, 3:22 pm
by Atticus
That cobe Max caught is a monster by any measure. But on a public number, from what looks like a bay boat... truly amazing.

Glad you guys got your game in early before the storm. Well done all around.

Let us know how the Shimano service works out for you.

Re: Alligator Point 7-25-2009

Posted: July 27th, 2009, 10:40 am
by cmccord
Sounds like a great trip. Nice Cobes! :thumbup: :thumbup: Glad y'all were able to make it work.

Re: Alligator Point 7-25-2009

Posted: July 27th, 2009, 11:04 am
by fish finder
Nice Cobia Tom!! Glad ya'll made it back before the bottom fell out. I had Cuda"B" about 33 miles out and rode out the nastiness that you avoided. She is a big comfy boat but it is still nerve wracking when you have lightning bolts dropping all around :o I will post my report later once I upload some pics. Again, nice job showing some new members the area. :D Capt. Jay

Re: Alligator Point 7-25-2009

Posted: July 27th, 2009, 12:40 pm
by birddog
Great trip, Tom. :thumbup: :thumbup:

Re: Alligator Point 7-25-2009

Posted: July 27th, 2009, 1:09 pm
Nice work Tom...I bet those jacks pull harder than anything in Lansing :thumbup:

Re: Alligator Point 7-25-2009

Posted: July 27th, 2009, 6:52 pm
by Tom Keels
Talked to Max on the phone today. 9 AJ's and a 40" Cobia on Sunday. Today, 8 AJ's, 3 cobia 25", 27", 38", and 30" plus king missing his hind end from a shark. They are living the life this week.

Re: Alligator Point 7-25-2009

Posted: July 27th, 2009, 9:10 pm
by Jumptrout51
Not bad at all. Give him some of my holes and watch him smile.