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Wakulla Beach 1/24/10

Posted: January 24th, 2010, 7:39 pm
by Charles
After messin' around the house all morning, decided it was too windy to go sit in a tree. So decided to go try to catch a fish. On the way down I realized that I had left my GPS at the house, but decided I didn't need it. 11:30 found me launching the kayak at Wakulla Beach. Wakulla Beach Road is passable, but be careful in a couple spots. I made it anyway; in a front wheel drive Highlander towing a light trailer. Got behind a FWC truck on the way down. Then met another coming the other way. Waved as I passed each of them. Think I read the look on both of, "I hope this dumb-adze doesn't launch. I really don't want to have to go look for somebody in this wind."

Launched in a mild southerly breeze of 20-30 mph pushing a mild chop. Woo-HOO!! Whitewater kayaking on the bay! Took me almost forty minutes in the wind to get over to East Goose Creek. Phew! Upper body workout. High tide level water with the wind holding it in. Fished my way up the right (south) edge of the creek until I reached John's Creek. Was going to fish on up East Goose, but then started thinking.
<"Hmm, if I fish John's Creek to the other end I won't have to fight the wind so bad going back.">
So up John's I went. The wind wasn't bad at all when I got up against the grass on the windward side of the creek. Still, it was more paddling than fishing. Didn't catch anything, not even a strike. Twice I thought I had a hit ... and set the hook ... on a rock ... then had to pull the boat over to get my spinnerbait back. Threw a spinnerbait almost the entire time. Had a jerkbait tied on another rod, but that reel is acting screwy. I think it needs to be taken apart and cleaned. By the time I reached the south end of John's the fog had rolled in. Now I was kind of wishing I had my GPS, but wasn't real concerned. I had my compass so could still cut across the bay to the beach with the wind (for the most part) at my back and come close to being where I wanted. Set a westerly course across the bay. Quickly got to where I couldn't see any landmarks at all. Went about as far as I thought I needed to go, and turned NNW looking for landmarks. Was feeling pretty big about coming out of the fog right on Wakulla Beach ... until I mashed two fingers at the same time while loading my kayak on the trailer. Then burned the end of my nose lighting a cigar stub.

All-in-all the trip was a rousing success, even with no fish. I have never liked the way this boat handles, particularly in wind and waves high enough that I wouldn't recommend going out in it. But the 50 lb. sandbag I put in the tankwell for ballast made a huge difference. Made the boat much straighter tracking and easier to handle in these conditions. The 30 lbs. of sand that I tried before only made a moderate difference. A noticeable difference, to be sure, but not as much as I was looking for.

Re: Wakulla Beach 1/24/10

Posted: January 24th, 2010, 7:44 pm
by Jumptrout51
Always fun to read your reports.

Re: Wakulla Beach 1/24/10

Posted: January 24th, 2010, 8:05 pm
by Flint River Pirate
Thanks for the report, you are a brave man! It was too windy for me outside today, I can't imagine being on the water. Then I can't imagine being in a paddle boat! You are the man Charles. Good luck getting your reel cleaned.

Re: Wakulla Beach 1/24/10

Posted: January 24th, 2010, 8:56 pm
by Harmsway
Charles wrote:I have never liked the way this boat handles, particularly in wind and waves high enough that I wouldn't recommend going out in it.
Good adventure, Charles. I found out some years ago not to go out on purpose in conditions that you have not already been in by accident. :smt104
Sounds like today was a resume-builder. :smt045

Re: Wakulla Beach 1/24/10

Posted: January 24th, 2010, 9:35 pm
by WaltDawg
Glad you got out Charles. Sounds like an interesting day. Hope to see you at the Classic.

Re: Wakulla Beach 1/24/10

Posted: January 25th, 2010, 9:36 am
by Sir reel
Good report Charles. The most boating activity I had Sunday was running out into the back yard 3 or 4 times ta put the tarp back on the boat after the wind rip'd it off! :cry:

Re: Wakulla Beach 1/24/10

Posted: January 25th, 2010, 9:42 am
nice report Charles. Glad you got some exercise and made it back relativley unscaved. Got to watch those cigars when they get short!