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Lanark-ish REPORT

Posted: June 12th, 2010, 5:56 pm
by BrogensDuck
Back on the water this morning after a bit of time away since the birth of our new daughter. We moved through the Lanark boat ramp DO-SI-DO with little fanfare and got on the water probably around 8:15 or so. Water was clear, not moving a whole lot, but with the wind, we were able to get a nice drift across several flats and sand bars. Probably around 10:00 we go on em pretty hard. Trout were one after another, then pods of reds jumping out of the water to hit mullet colored skitterwalk and orange/black mirro-lure topwater. Mullet everywhere and happy. Trout hit everything from SWA's (every color we threw) to topwater to spinnerbait. Active until around 12:00 or so when things started to slow, but fish were caught until 1:00 or so. Most were pretty shallow and as expected on the edges of sand and grass. Saw many reds along the docks, but they were pretty picky. Overall take home were 2 reds (22, 24) and 7 trout from 17 to 21. Many others were gladly returned to their homes for another day.

Felt good bringing in a full cooler and shredded fingers with my little aluminum boat next to those $60K Hells Bay rigs (that is nothing but jealousy talking for you HB owners). One day.

Re: Lanark-ish REPORT

Posted: June 12th, 2010, 10:49 pm
by robbankston

Re: Lanark-ish REPORT

Posted: June 13th, 2010, 4:04 am