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Seeing Red on the Celestial Crab Indian Pass 6/18-19/2010

Posted: June 21st, 2010, 4:44 pm
by Ranaman
Long report no Readers digest version today!

Friday June 18th we left Valdosta on the trip originally planned for opening weekend of red snapper getting on the road @ 7AM with my buddy Larry and our friend from the East Coast, Buster. This trip we didn’t have to tow the boat to Lanark, so no trailer adventures except when arriving at the Lanark Hacienda I realized I had thrown the wrong hitch/ball in the fishing tote and were delayed by a trip into Carrabelle to get a new hitch and 2 5/16” ball instead of the 2 inch I had grabbed erroneously. I tackle loaded and prepped, while the guys shopped and we finally left Lanark and headed to Indian Pass. Still having to ice, gas and grocery up, we spent another hour or so in Apalachicola. Have to Thank Buddy Ward & Sons Seafood for parting with some Ice, Thanks TJ!! Hit the Piggy Wiggly for snacks and then back on the road toward Indian Pass.

We checked in to our cabin at the campground amidst a frenzy of fisherman, FWC, and oil boom workers. Finally getting the Celestial Crab launched in the Pass with boom boats and fisherman circling me so much it was hard to get back to the ramp to pick up Larry after parking the trailer. FWC was parked in a truck next to the ramp inspecting every boat that came out and the boom crews were bus loaded into the area and boom boats whipping all around me. I was happy to just get out of the pass without grounding or hitting a boom and heading south to our bait holes! Time was after 4PM!!
Afternoon storms had started popping up, but luckily my XM weather finally got right and was working for us so we were able to track storms and get to our bait hole with only a few drops. I was not sure of the number I had or what to expect, but first drop down we realized the sand perch were there and quickly stocked up on some perfect size baits. Pointed the boat into the wonderful chop that had grown due to the air pull of the storms and bounced our way towards the “spot”!

We’re headed to the secret spot we told Buster, however when there was another boat on it he became suspect to our trickery and we finally told him it was the same public number we had visited with him the year prior where he caught his largest ever red snapper. He giggled like an overgrown kid and went to work dropping down a big perch and was quickly rewarded! After dropping anchor and getting the vertical jig out I was already seeing the box and limit of 6 American red snapper filling quickly, a small AJ to my credit I was snapper-less by the time my two crew members filled our self imposed; no under 20 inch snapper limit, with two over 26 and fish one a pig at 27.5, a large beeliner/vermillion on top for good measure. Since we dodged the storms and piddled around looking at bottom around our bait hole it had already gotten near 7PM and with a good run in and dinner on everyone’s minds we headed back with plans to make it to Apalach for some oysters, crab and beers and to meet up with Ms Celeste!

After a fabulous feast at the Hole in the Wall Oyster Bar we talked with owner Jeff about the disaster and realized our friends along the coast are in the pickle of their lives fighting for their livelihood and culture; one we are so blessed to be part of, weekend after weekend. It is only on this medium that you can’t see paper stained with my tears for these coastal friends of ours and for the coast itself; something of a conditional factor in the very unification of my spouse and me.

Saturday’s alarm came way too early and I made coffee and showered in the 2x2x6 hole of a shower stall in our cabin. I’m over 6’ 3” BTW woke the crew and told them to get hopping and went to work prepping the Crab for day two with the new crew of 4 the Celestial one included in this trip :smt061

Got out of the pass with quickly following another boat and headed right to our bait stop, with my three man/woman crew we made bait in quick fashion and after one 5 mile detour to check out a friends snapper hole we headed to the “spot” with only a couple beeliners and supply of the perfect little sand perch. Even having vented them the perch didn’t last long and started dyeing out in our makeshift live well.
The spot only had one boat on it and we managed a few decent fish before the Big Bend Classic armada showed and we decided enough of this and headed to more private numbers. After a number of moves and a few more snapper including 3 nice mangos two Celeste boated happily, we heard about a friend in distress and after talking with him, I decided to move that way in case Sea Tow didn’t show or he needed anything so we punched in a number never visited by me around 5 miles from my broke down buddy to end the day. The fisherman who was courteous enough to give out said number was quite the snapper catcher and I was hopeful to find big fish there.

The spot was small and exactly where the number was so after drifting it once to get an idea of size we put the baits down with immediate response including a nice double buy Buster of two over 18 inch fish. One made the box the other was vented for release and to save the final spot to a big fish! After a grunt and groan from Celeste and then after getting pulled to the gunwale twice we were certain the fish she had on was going to take that spot, but after adjusting the rod from arm pit to hip it must have been enough because the monster got off clean. Unhappy, but determined she went back to work only to here the giggle from Buster seconds later pulling on a BIG fish.

The race was on because now all three anglers were hooked up and all I could do was watch, Larry pulled in with a respectable fish, but not huge. Celeste’s fish was the same so venting/releasing procedures began as Buster was still hooked up and giggling away! Finally the pig shows himself and I grab the little gaff and with one pop to the head the beast made it to the deck and high 5’s commenced as our final snapper was a sow 28.5 inc 12-13lb snapper! Buster, achieve another first a short time after landing the pig snapper with his first ever keeper Red Grouper a respectable; albeit not a fire truck, 24 incher. We checked the clock and the box to make sure we were on limit with Red Snapper and with the heat of the day on us and a few bonus fish like the red grouper, 3 mangroves, red porgy and mix of beeliners we decided with the hour run in it was time to go at 4:15PM.

Hit the hill with little to no problems except the guy who locked his keys in the truck on the ramp, but we were able to load around him and get to work on a cold one shortly thereafter. After a relaxing beer and pictures Larry and I cleaned some fish after seeing some nice triple tails leave the cleaning room and Buster and Celeste went to work on a low county boil at the cabin. With still half the cooler of fish we eat a great meal and my wonderful crew members finished up the cleaning while the captain took a nap!

Have to thank everyone in my party for a lifelong memories and a tremendous trip and ask for prayers for all our coastal friends; I’m sure you all have many in the businesses that make doing what we do possible! This is possibly the first and last trip the Celestial Crab get to make out of Indian Pass, God Bless us all!
Fridays fish..
Big Fish Friday 27.5inch
Good pair.
Saturday Fishing...
Total two day creel...
Busters First Red Grouper..

Re: Seeing Red on the Celestial Crab Indian Pass 6/18-19/201

Posted: June 21st, 2010, 5:52 pm
by big bend gyrene
Ranaman, AWESOME report!!! :thumbup: :beer:
Not a single run I do on highway 59 that I don't pray I'll see you all driving by and can thumb a ride... :wink: salute1

Re: Seeing Red on the Celestial Crab Indian Pass 6/18-19/201

Posted: June 21st, 2010, 7:42 pm
by RodBow

Re: Seeing Red on the Celestial Crab Indian Pass 6/18-19/201

Posted: June 21st, 2010, 7:47 pm
by CSMarine
Great report. Good eating to look forward to. :thumbup:


Re: Seeing Red on the Celestial Crab Indian Pass 6/18-19/201

Posted: June 22nd, 2010, 9:24 am
by MudDucker
That Larry looks like one of them ol' realtors I know!

Re: Seeing Red on the Celestial Crab Indian Pass 6/18-19/201

Posted: June 22nd, 2010, 10:19 am
by Ranaman
Mud he is probabably that guy :)!

Re: Seeing Red on the Celestial Crab Indian Pass 6/18-19/201

Posted: June 22nd, 2010, 10:39 am
by fish finder
That's a great couple of days. I'm jealous of the Red Snapper action you are in to! I've never fished out of Indian Pass; what depth do you fish/catch Red Snapper over that way?

Re: Seeing Red on the Celestial Crab Indian Pass 6/18-19/201

Posted: June 22nd, 2010, 3:32 pm
by Ranaman
fish finder, we run right out to 90 - 100 ft of water and beyond out of Indian Pass, Saturday we ended the day in @ 150.

When fishing Carrabelle its usually 60 - 90

Re: Seeing Red on the Celestial Crab Indian Pass 6/18-19/201

Posted: June 28th, 2010, 10:26 pm
by skyway ande
nice trip!... Glad you sent me the up-dates!...