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Florida is safe from oil spill

Posted: June 26th, 2010, 10:10 pm
by Jumptrout51
I have been thinking about this for awhile.
Every time the oil slick moves towards Florida,it turns and goes back.
It has got to be all the phosphates running into the Gulf from the golf courses and motel laundry rooms.
We have a natural (man made) oil slick deterrent going on here.

Re: Florida is safe from oil spill

Posted: June 26th, 2010, 11:09 pm
by basstired
not funny

Re: Florida is safe from oil spill

Posted: June 26th, 2010, 11:22 pm
by Jumptrout51
Maybe not..........but probably true.

Re: Florida is safe from oil spill

Posted: June 27th, 2010, 7:16 am
by Charles
I found that amusing. :D

At least it beats hearing the wedding ring joke again.

I was going to pitch a kvetch about runoff coming from subdivisions causing a lot more pollution than that from golf courses, but I think I'll skip it and go pour another cup of coffee.