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Re: Sharks or Gators?

Posted: August 18th, 2017, 11:53 am
by GaryDroze
I'll be summarizing my top ten alligator encounters in one of the upcoming Big Bend Coastal Angler wading/paddling columns. The time I fell out of a tree and landed on one makes the top ten, but just barely, since the lizard's freak-out panic equaled mine.

One of my sit-on-top kayaks has gator bite marks in where you paddle during mating season.

Re: Sharks or Gators?

Posted: August 18th, 2017, 12:54 pm
by 800-Beer4Fish
I am from Africa where there are no alligators.
There are Crocodiles though.
If you had a nasty encounter between either an alligator, African crocodile or Salt water crocodile. You can make your own conclusion as to which one you would want to face.
Salt water croc
bite of around 7,700 PSI
African Croc
bite of about 5,000 PSI
bite around 2,125 PSI

None are appealing anyway