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"Schooled" homework

Posted: September 10th, 2010, 3:57 pm
by skitterwalk
i had the oportunity to get out after school on the 9th and shure enough i was fishing 1 hour after i got home from school! i arrived at the laaunch at 4:00 and was greeted by Talltails and i could see a alight smirk on his face. lol(with good reason) i hit the water with littoral, crunch,and bakertize in search of some KW points and a good time. with my first redfish hit within 10 minutes i knew i would it would be a good evening. i worked my way down a grassy shoreline with nothing but short strikes and turtle grass ,but didnt get frustrated as i knew i would be rewarded soon. as i approached a half fallen down dock i just knew that Mr. Redfish would be lerking below and Boom! fish on and fish number one was in the boat!


a quick shot on the 360 mount and back he went. I left the shore line in hopes of bigger better fish and man o man was that grass flat HOT!! boom boom boom every other cast a trout but not to big in size u know just the pesky size.


but that was before i saw what looked like a three foot log come up and egnite on my helpless topwater skitterwalk, and this fish peeled off line like i have never seen before! it would run and run and run then come up to the boat and peel the drag right back out again but one i grabed the lunate tail of this hefty SPANISH MACKREL i was tickled to death with what had just hapened.i filpped him in the boat and this is what i saw.



it almost looks like a flippen king fish! i couldnt be happier with my evening and cant wait to get out again! i now have a new favorite spot.

Re: "Schooled" homework

Posted: September 10th, 2010, 5:59 pm
by Jumptrout51
Hope you enjoy the spot.I have fished it for 50 years and done well.
Keep up the good work and reports. :thumbup:

Re: "Schooled" homework

Posted: September 10th, 2010, 7:27 pm
by Harmsway
Attaboy!, skitterwalk. :smt038