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AGP Surf Macks and Trout...

Posted: May 23rd, 2011, 10:34 am
by bman
Have been down at AGP for my wife's family reunion...
Its been about "family time" so the fishing opportunities have been limited.
We did some shark fishing because that was the only thing that interested my inlaws :-?

I've managed to keep a rod or two down at the beach and had great luck with the Trout and Spanish right off the beach.
Topwater has been the ticket to staying away from the cats and sharks...
These are from about 30 min this morning.

Also saw a tarpon roll :D

Re: AGP Surf Macks and Trout...

Posted: June 5th, 2011, 11:32 pm
by jinx0760
This will be my 7th trip to AGP and I have had some success for both Macks and trout. Usually always with a jig and plastics. Any tips on what bait your throwing? This year we have bay and ocean access with a dock on the bay. I haven't fished the bay before at AGP but have fished most inland waters from Cape San Blas, Indian pass, St Joe and St George.....most of my week long forays have proven the beach to be better fishing. How about you?