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First Guided Trip

Posted: June 20th, 2011, 9:33 am
by skitterwalk
Got a call about a week ago from a lady wanting to take her husband and son on a kayak fishing trip. So with three people wanting to go, rob invited me along to pont the son in the right direction. So we get on the water(an hour and a half later then we should) and the shallows appeared to be one big mirror as our reflections look back at us. My first instinct was to see if he could walk the dog.(highly unlikely for the newbies) So I fling er out and walk her back showing and explaning what you have to do. A quarter way through my retrieve and I hand the rod to Austin.(the kid im working with) And what do you know! A red swirls on it and bolts...disopointment! I tell austin, " you see that, thats what today is going to be like! lol But he couldn't walk the knock so I tie on a (think of BK every time I see a poper)Rebel Pop-R thinking...well BK tears em up with popers so we will see how this works. Shortly after he gets hit but misses, and again about 5 minutes later and another miss! But we keep moving and I see a bonnet head shark swiming right for my yak! I open my bail and drop my jig on the other side and, BINGO! Connection is made! Ofcourse she rips of line like noboby's bisnuess and yell for the clients to come look! I let them touch and explain some features of the shark to make thing intresting for them as the morning was going a bit slower then expected. :roll: Then the next thing I know, Robs hooked up with a decent red! So we all paddle over and look at the red like bugs on a light at the "Demon Eye" as I call it. 8O
We leave spot A and move on to spot B In hopes of some better action. I head up front to try and locate some fish for the clients to get on and Shazam! I found em 8)
AWESOME COLOR! My absolute favorite color on a redfish. (you have to see it in person)
I yell at rob to get everyone on this spot and we finally start geting hookups! Including this trout! You would be suprised how much happiness a trout can bring :D
And another! This time Austin hooks up with a 14" flounder!
With a slam in the cooler we head in and call it a day. Everything came togther at the last minute and a great time was had by all :A1 You can book a trip with us at See ya on the water!