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09/11/11 Spring Creek

Posted: September 12th, 2011, 10:02 am
by Gumbo
My wife and I decided to take advantage of this great weather and set out from Spring Creek yesterday morning. It was an absolutely gorgeous day although surprisingly still for much of the morning. Not a breeze to be found. And few fish. But my day changed around 10:30. Cork went down, set the hook, saw a roll, told my wife "get the net, I've got a huge trout." And then all of a sudden half of my line was gone from the spool. And then the jump. Tarpon!!!! Cranked up the motor and chased it for a while, two more jumps, then the battle of a tarpon that I estimate in the 40-50# class and my 10# test was won by the heavily-favored tarpon.

Not much else going on yesterday, some big ladies and blues crashing glass minnows provided some fun tug-of-war, friend (Skag) caught a shark, all in all it was pretty quiet.

Saw more cannonball jellyfish than I've ever seen in my life. They were everywhere. As were the turtles (feasting on the jellies, no doubt).

Water temps are going down, in the mid 70s now, the fishing should be turning on really soon.

Re: 09/11/11 Spring Creek

Posted: September 12th, 2011, 10:35 am
My neighbor and I wore out the mulett with the cast net on saturday at oyster bay and shell point. The cannonball jellyfish were in the canal also. I have never seen them that thick like that. The weather was beautifull.

Re: 09/11/11 Spring Creek

Posted: September 12th, 2011, 4:02 pm
by Ty one on
KLONG wrote:My neighbor and I wore out the mulett with the cast net on saturday at oyster bay and shell point. The cannonball jellyfish were in the canal also. I have never seen them that thick like that. The weather was beautifull.

KLONG, I believe I picked up 19 of them from you and your neighbor Saturday. I smoked them on Sunday.

Re: 09/11/11 Spring Creek

Posted: September 12th, 2011, 5:18 pm
KLONG, I believe I picked up 19 of them from you and your neighbor Saturday. I smoked them on Sunday.[/quote]

They sure were good fried up! Hope your's were as good smoked.

Nice to meet you BTW.

Re: 09/11/11 Spring Creek

Posted: September 12th, 2011, 9:23 pm
by Mister Mullet
The Asians fry up those jellies. Mmmmm.