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Saint Marks 7/7

Posted: July 8th, 2012, 9:59 pm
by Montfisher
I posted last week looking for advice on fishing saint marks. We went Saturday and had a pretty good day. We put 14 trout in the boat (4 people fishing) and one flounder. Probably caught 75 short trout and a bunch of other fish. Biggest trout was only 17 3/4 but we caught more 17 inch fish than 15. We fished the west flats using ct and gulp. Morning bite was much better than the afternoon bite. As expected, the water was stained - visability 3 to 4 feet.

All things considered, it was a good trip. Thanks to everyone for your advice.

Re: Saint Marks 7/7

Posted: July 8th, 2012, 10:12 pm
by sundown
I fished east yesterday and we also caught about 14 keepers and a ton of shorts..This was two boats and two adults with three young people. This was about the slowest day I had this year. Kids had a ball on the shorts though, plus we did pick up about a 34" red out on the flats on a grub.

Past Tuesday we limited so fast it wasn't hardly worth the ride out and back.

Best part of the trip was I took my grandson for the first time. He had a ball and so did I !

Re: Saint Marks 7/7

Posted: July 9th, 2012, 5:46 am
by SS-342
Three good reports. Two good fishing reports and a good "helping" fishermen report.

Starts a day off great!


Re: Saint Marks 7/7

Posted: July 9th, 2012, 2:50 pm
by oreocwby
sundown how is it going I have been tring to catch a red on a lure for quite a while with no luck. I went to ecofina late sunday morning, their were only eight boats out so I slid over their way and bounced the bottom wit gulp and a popper as well. did ok with about 4 18 in trout a huge abundance of short sea bass and ladyfish galore. I live way closer to St. Marks, I def dont want to take any spots but can you lead me in the right direction for a red???PLEASE PLEASE

Re: Saint Marks 7/7

Posted: July 9th, 2012, 3:11 pm
by sundown
Your best bet for a red is to get in some of the east creeks about an hour or so before high tide.
Be careful because even with high water you can still find a rock or obstruction, We've caught reds on spoons as well as redfish magics in the past few weeks. Also several nice flounder and trout while fishing for reds. If you know someone that has fished some of the creeks you would do well to get them to show you around from a safety standpoint.

Just drift the creeks on incoming tides trying to hit the points and stick with it. You'll catch em.
The big red we got Sat was just an incidental catch. Don't get many on the open flats.

Re: Saint Marks 7/7

Posted: July 10th, 2012, 9:18 am
by oreocwby
Awsome!!! This is really helpful. Do you think mabe some time i can follow ya out so I can have someone who knows what they are doin to show me around. Im willin to pay for your gas or whatever. Everyone needs a teacher or no one would know how to do anything. Ive invested so much money and time with no reward so I'm sure everyone knows how I feel.Just a question. And THANKS so very much