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Window sash weights free

Posted: May 20th, 2013, 11:00 pm
by Mister Mullet
Anybody want some window sash weights for deep-drop fishing? Weigh 6 pounds each. I have 8 I took out of a house I'm rehabing. Free.

Re: Window sash weights free

Posted: May 21st, 2013, 12:22 am
by Rhettley
What town?
You brought back some good memories for me. My Granddaddy practically collected those things. He didn't see any need to buy a boat anchor when he could find those window weights around for free.

Re: Window sash weights free

Posted: May 21st, 2013, 8:40 am
by konrad
I have one that is 5lbs and use it as an anchor for my kayak. It holds well and doesn't bring up a ton of mud and grass when you pull it up.

Re: Window sash weights free

Posted: May 21st, 2013, 12:55 pm
by zload
They would make perfect weights for a Bandit Buoy also...

Re: Window sash weights free

Posted: May 21st, 2013, 9:15 pm
by MarkM
I use them with bandit buoy too. I had heavier ones I broke down to about 5lbs.

Re: Window sash weights free

Posted: May 21st, 2013, 9:42 pm
by Mister Mullet
I'm in Tallahassee. Never thought about using one for a yak anchor. Good idea.

Re: Window sash weights free

Posted: May 22nd, 2013, 2:19 pm
by bman
I'll take a couple.. they work great for trotlines too... don't get snagged on the bottom but hold well.
shoot me a PM of where to pick them up.

Re: Window sash weights free

Posted: May 22nd, 2013, 10:59 pm
by Skeeter-Bite
Have any left? I'll take a couple........

Re: Window sash weights free

Posted: June 6th, 2013, 4:52 pm
by Mister Mullet
I'll have them at the NFGFC meeting tonight. First come first served. :)

Re: Window sash weights free

Posted: June 8th, 2013, 11:40 pm
by Mister Mullet
Bman, private message sent