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Posted: June 10th, 2013, 10:42 am
Another great tournament out of St. Marks Outfitters. Capt. Mike was a gracious host as always and the Wildfire BBQ was fantastic. 19 boats fished including some that were fishing their first NFGFC Tournament.

Huey, Stacie and Tanner Collins took first place with 10.99#s.
Douglass Tran and James Padgett won the redfish pot with a 6.10# just shy of 27"
Steve Hobbs and Dave Langston won big trout with a just over 19" fish that weighed 2.59#s.
Trevor Moncrief, Will Moncrief and Brenden Carter won the Kevin's sponsored flounder with a 1.08# fish
A pompano was not caught and will be worth $150 next tournament.

Full results below:

Huey, Stacie and Tanner Collins 2.35 10.99 100
Russell Shetly, George Goodson- 2.21 10.66 99
Javon Fishburn and Chris Mcearchen
Gary Zellner and Tad Davis 2.23 9.81 98
Trevor Moncrief, Will Moncrief and Brenden Carter 2.17 9.7 97
Brian Showman and Matt Cramer 1.98 8.96 96
Rick and Dalton Bushatz and Stephen Warnock 2.15 8.64 95
Douglass Tran and Scott Padgett 1.85 4.97 94
John Williams and Al Penson 1.55 3.92 93
Larry and Maria Cobb, Clayton Brunson - 1.41 3.79 92
and Garet Grant
Steve and Andrew Stinson. Dejuan Harris 1.7 2.88 91
Steve Hobbs and Dave Langston 2.59 2.59 90
Will and Tommy Thopson 1.31 1.31 89
Huck Finn and Lauri Case 50
Robert Houghten, Jim Oneal and Mike Franklin 50
Bob Hoezele and Mike Johnson 50
Chris, Grayson and Than Lewis 50
Russell Haas 50
Bill Mickler 50
Jeff Trent and Chuck Collins and Steve Taylor 50


Posted: June 10th, 2013, 5:59 pm
by milto
If you have pictures from the tournament or meeting that you want to share for the NFGFC website, please email them to