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Lake Talquin (Coe Landing) 6/22/13

Posted: June 22nd, 2013, 11:53 pm
by Poopong McPlop
I was tired as hell from driving back from Gainesville and editing a last minute video project for a client the night before and I almost decided not to go. As the alarm rang at 5:30 I begrudgingly pulled myself out bed. I had to, its the full moon. This was probably the first morning I have fished in awhile. I'm just not a morning person. I'll wake up early to blue water spearfish, because having the opportunity to blow a hole through a rare, primarily morning feeding fish like a hoo is worth the sacrifice. Today was a different day though. The full moon. We arrived at Coe Landing a little late at 8am. Surface temps were high 80s and the wind was about 5mph out of the south west. As we set out I noticed there were definitely a lot more fish near shore the entire day. The magic numbers for the day, for this area of the lake were 5.5ft for Big BG and almost exactly 8ft for Shell crackers. Both species were on the bottom for the most part. Tightlining and bottom bumping with live bait were king today. I had to retie at least 20 hooks myself. Our biggest fish came from 30ft off the dock, and in the small cove adjacent to the dock. The interior of the iron curtain was somewhat productive, but you needed to move quickly and cover water efficiently. Bass were murdering bait throughout the entire day. At noon while anchored in open water off the iron curtain channel, I noticed a school within a 100 ft of me tearing up the bait on the surface next to the lily pads. I focused an extra rod on them and I tossed minnows to them and caught them at will. As the afternoon wore on, we fished the shaded sides of coves, looking for any fish coming into shallows to late bed for the full moon. We didn't have much luck getting fish the size we were looking for, so we moved to open water drifting and tossing buoys on spots for the rest of the afternoon. We immediately did much better, especially in shallows nearest to the channel and bottom structure that was found nearest to the magic depths. We probably caught about 200 fish on the day. At the end of the day we ended up keeping about 20 BG, some shell crackers, a 1/2 lb Warmouth and a channel cat. We gave most of our catch away to a bank fisherman who had gotten skunked. Another good day at Lake Tallahassee-Quincy (with only one stump hit).
