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Piney Z Lake 6/24/13

Posted: June 24th, 2013, 10:20 pm
by Poopong McPlop
We arrived at 1pm to threatening skies. The wind was coming from the North initially but later shifted to the south it was usually around a steady 5 mph with gusts during the storm. Surface temps were 87 and fluctuated slightly, and the sky was overcast and half the lake was rainy. We trolled to the north west side of the lake but when we got there it started thundering and raining hard. We pulled up to the bank and sat under a tikki hut just off the shore line and waited an hour for it to let up. As soon as the skies cleared and the wind died down, we began drifting open water close to the shore line keeping the boat in 6 to 5.5 fow and casting towards the shoreline and dragging it back to the boat slowly with pauses here and there. We boated about 5-6 nice size BG and shell crackers, and a couple small bass in an hour. My battery for some reason didn't fully charge last night, so we had to manage the rest of our time well. We moved over to the cypress trees where we boating 2 3-4lb Bass, and some large coppernose BG. The battery had enough juice to get us home at this point so we trolled and hit some honey holes on the way in. We ended up limiting out on the last hole and caught a 4.5lb bass. We ended up catching about 100 bream, and 6 Bass, and taking home around 40 handsize or larger BG and shellcrackers. We gave a lot of our fish away to two guys who helped us pull the trailer out of the water and up the hill. The BG were everywhere, they were scattered at times and schooled tightly to the bottom sometimes as well. There were some BG's bedding offshore in deeper water. Mininum depth for nice BG was 5ft. Shellcrackers were in the 6ft area, near points. There was absolutely nothing but minnows, young of the year and small Bass within 20ft of the shoreline in the 0-3ft of water. Bass were hitting everywhere. Piney Z is definitely one of the best bass fishing lakes in Tallahassee in my opinion due to its management and I hope it stays that way. Another good, wet day at the Z.







Re: Piney Z Lake 6/24/13

Posted: June 26th, 2013, 7:31 am
by kenfly
Great trip, gonna have to get over there sometime, but my Jon to heavy to get to the water, I used to fish there( lake Lafayette ) when I was young. We knew someone that had some land on the lake back then, that place had the biggest specks I have ever seen.

Re: Piney Z Lake 6/24/13

Posted: July 1st, 2013, 10:22 pm
by Poopong McPlop
Any idea where to find the crappie this time of the year?