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Lake Jackson 7/27

Posted: July 28th, 2014, 12:49 pm
by micci_man
Went with a retired buddy and we didn't to too bad. Fished from 7:30-11:00. He found a bed last full moon and they were back on it with the new moon. We ended up with 55. By 10am more boats started showing up and slowly easing in on us but not too bad, they kept a respectable distance. at 11 two guys in a brand new looking bass tracker idled up and watched me catch 4 back to back, that's when they dropped their anchors. Not 5 minutes later I was watching my cork when a cork lands 2' from mine. It was time to go....

I think I saw Poopong McPlop as well, at least I saw a boat with the older lady that is in some of his pics he posts. If that was you how did y'all do?



Re: Lake Jackson 7/27

Posted: July 29th, 2014, 12:39 am
by kikstand454
Nice catching!

People like your two spot poachers receive a 1oz Carolina rig across their bow. The next shot is in the side of the boat. Makes a nice loud gunshot sound. Sometimes dents paint. I've done it before, ill do it again. Rude.

Re: Lake Jackson 7/27

Posted: July 29th, 2014, 6:25 am
by MudDucker
Nice catch. I've had the same problem with fellow fisherman getting too close. Worst was in the Steinhatchee River years ago when one actually throw over my boat. Such is the life of fishing and hunting on public property.

Re: Lake Jackson 7/27

Posted: August 14th, 2014, 12:10 pm
by Duckboat
Very nice mess of bream. I've noticed less and less courtesy on the water in recent years. At Lake Jackson eralier this year a man got a rat-l-trap across his boat for running right through where I was casting. He could see me anchored up fishing the whole time he was approaching but just didn't care. I won't say what I told him when he shut it down but he eased out of there and I didn't see him again. Twice this year while fishing from a kayak at the coast I have been anchored up when people paddled through right where I was casting. In either case they could have passed behind instead of directly in front when I was only 20-25 yards from shore. There was nothing but open water behind me all the way to South America. You won't get a second warning from me and I don't care if it gets ugly if that's what needs to happen. In my opinion the worst thing you can do is give up your spot. People need to be taught a lesson and it isn't that being rude will get them what they want.

Re: Lake Jackson 7/27

Posted: August 14th, 2014, 6:22 pm
by Baknaction
Nice mess of fish, Micc Man. Hard to beat back anger when AH's show their poor sportsmanship.

Re: Lake Jackson 7/27

Posted: August 14th, 2014, 8:45 pm
by Salty Gator
Nice titty brim, very zen of you to take the hi road. I'm trying my best to do more of that in my older age :thumbup:

Re: Lake Jackson 7/27

Posted: August 15th, 2014, 6:40 am
by SS-342
You caught a nice mess of good eating!

What happened to you is what I don't like about fishing bream beds, reefs for sheepheads or winter trout river fishing. It gets to crowded! I like to stay out on the flats and have elbow room. Even them you can get into trouble and sometimes it is me who causes trouble by accident or ignorance.

My wife and I are of the age where we can chose what to get mad about. If we wanted, we could stay mad all the time. Most times it just ain't worth it!

Thanks for you good report. Go back and catch some more and tell us about it.

Re: Lake Jackson 7/27

Posted: August 16th, 2014, 9:10 pm
by Harmsway