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Micco Speck Attempt

Posted: January 8th, 2015, 2:22 pm
by BlindHog
Had guest in town and planned to duck Jan 1. After talking to Tallahassee's pre-imminent duck hunter, I didn't think enough ducks would show up, so brother and I went speck fishing out of Reeves. [Got minnows at Reeves - be sure to check bucket before you pay, I paid for 60, got about 20.]

Fished from sunup to about noon with 10-12 boats all working the end near the landing, dike, etc. Saw two smalls caught in one boat, others I talked to were skunked. We got two keepers -- one was 12.5 inches and the other 10ish and threw back two shorties.

The prior Friday paper's fishing column had said they were hot there so maybe the moon was wrong by the time we went.

Can some of you prostaffers tell me what moon is RIGHT?



Re: Micco Speck Attempt

Posted: January 18th, 2015, 12:19 am
by skeeter-eater
not sure about the moon....I normally don't fish there much during duck season. November and early March seem to be the best months for me. Next time you go, give me a shout....I live about 1/2 mile from the hwy 90 boat ramp....

Re: Micco Speck Attempt

Posted: February 4th, 2015, 3:04 pm
by micci_man
The spec fishing has been on and off but there have been days when most boats got their limit. I talked to one of my retired friends yesterday and he got 18, most just bigger than the hand but some as big as what you caught. I'm no help on the specs 'cause i don't fish for them so I rely on my local retired buddy's to get the accurate reports on them. You being shorted on bait isn't the norm. Hate to hear that.