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shark flying out of the water

Posted: June 26th, 2015, 2:56 pm
by ertauber
Yesterday while fishing in a creek east of lighthouse I was trailing my Cajun thunder with live pinfish while casting a DOA shrimp. The reel for the Cajun started screaming and the rod bent double. By the time I got to the rod about 30 yds of braid was out. I tried stopping or at least slowing whatever was on the line to no avail. Then this monster showed itself as it flew out of the water and with a huge splash landed on its back. Bull shark about 5 ft. I tried to get the leader to break to save my Powerpro. Finally it did before being spooled. When fishing alone its hard to get photos and hold the rod. Didn't catch anything else that day but I had my excitement. Now I know sharks can fly!

Re: shark flying out of the water

Posted: June 27th, 2015, 2:36 pm
by SS-342
That was interesting! Yep, it is difficult to do some things when you're alone. Sounded like FUN! Keep the post coming. Better than a movie! I can just hear the reel screaming and see the shark jumping out of the water. They can pull hard.

Re: shark flying out of the water

Posted: June 29th, 2015, 11:42 am
by Reel Addiction
I love to see that. I fish out of a yak and it's hard to multi task by fishing 2 lines. Especially when you hook into some large. Blacktips are fun to hook into as they really like to break water. Glad you got to experience that. Lots of fun

Re: shark flying out of the water

Posted: June 29th, 2015, 1:16 pm
by onefishtwofish
I've been told Spinner sharks are real acrobats. Very cool to see a bull doing that. We had redfish doing aerobics and quickly realized they were being chased by a big bull shark. We stopped fishing for them at that spot. Did not want to offer Mr. Bull an easy meal.