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It's the great(green) pumpkin!

Posted: July 9th, 2015, 8:08 am
by DixieReb
What do you do when you get up too early and can't go back to sleep? :-? You go fishing. Hit the pond right after daybreak this morning, nothing on topwater which surprised me. Threw the o'l reliable green pumpkin power worm in the best go-to spot I have. Got 3 real nice bass in 3 casts, all in the same spot. Biggest was over 2 lbs. didn't weigh any. All released to fight again. Reminded me of how reds and trout stack up in a hole when you can find them that way. Tried for some bream and got a few nibbles from shiners, so quit after losing 2 worms. :cry: All action was gone after the sun showed over the trees, they were done then. It was fun. :smt004

Re: It's the great(green) pumpkin!

Posted: July 11th, 2015, 11:23 am
by DixieReb
I guess yall don't like freshwater much. Oh, well, it was fun anyway.

Re: It's the great(green) pumpkin!

Posted: July 11th, 2015, 4:54 pm
by Blue spinner
I bet it was fun ,
i like fresh water fishing just dont have the time or the places to go when i was growing up that is all we ever did in the big lakes around Tallahassee to
the pones down the Tram Rd. and south Ga.

Re: It's the great(green) pumpkin!

Posted: July 12th, 2015, 8:35 pm
by SS-342
I like freshwater as well but fished rivers mostly. Fishing is fun no matter where you fish. My wife doesn't do as well in the river. She wants to grab ahold of everything and lots of times that is a NO NO. River current can get you into trouble quickly especially if you are holding one to something like a tree limb or a set hook line.

Thanks for a good report and for being an "early bird". Lots of folks who don't get up early never know what they missed. The world is beautiful early morning about the crack of dawn.

Keep those good report coming!