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Panacea 12-12 & 12-13

Posted: December 13th, 2015, 10:07 pm
by Red Dawg
For one of the first times since I've been here, the best fishing days according to the lunar calendar hit out on a weekend. We fish pretty much anytime we can, but it sure was nice getting to go when the weather was nice and the fish active. Got on the water about 9:00 am. Tide was extremely low so we looked for bait first. Had no problem catching bull minnows. Enough water came in so we split up for our favorite spots. Didn't take long to find a school of redfish feeding. Caught a barely legal 18 1/32 first cast. Let him go to grow a little. Caught 4-5 short reds and started thinking I may should have kept Jr. Hooked a 22" red that fought like a 32". Had one in the cooler. My son limits out on a regular basis but I don't think I ever have. Tried for another hour or so but could only manage another couple of shorts. No double today either. The bite seemed to die around 2:00. Either way I caught fish from 10:00 to 2:00 so it was a great day. Paddled back to the landing and of course Evan had two in the cooler both right at 22". He said he also caught multiple shorts. I've never had much luck with spoons but he caught the majority of his, including the 2 keepers, on a silver spoon.

Sorry. Forgot to take pictures.

Re: Panacea 12-12 & 12-13

Posted: December 14th, 2015, 9:04 am
by DixieReb
:thumbup: :thumbup: Nice. The tide was low Friday when I went. Fish bit as soon as water started coming in.

Re: Panacea 12-12 & 12-13

Posted: December 15th, 2015, 11:49 am
by luckywsp
Try the aqua dream spoon in gold. It kills.

Re: Panacea 12-12 & 12-13

Posted: December 16th, 2015, 1:10 pm
by Red Dawg
Luckywsp, I've heard that from a few people. Definitely need to pick one up.